Monday, December 23, 2019

Justice, Court, and a Movie

Abi came home from church yesterday to find a big wad of soaking wet toilet paper on her pillow, with a goop of hair and soap scum on it. Before church, Ethan was getting in the shower, saw hair in the drain, blamed Abi saying that it was her hair and commanded her to come clean it up right now. We were on the way out the door, so she didn't. Plus her hair is light and that hard was dark/black. So he took what he felt was justice into his own hands and cleaned it up and put it on her bed. When she found it after church she came to me in tears. she also said it was actually the second time that he's done that. I sent out a message to the mom polo group to see if they had any advice for Abi as she strives to be patient and long suffering with her older brothers. Ethan's Aunt Beka (my lil' sis) suggested having Ethan clean the tub. I thought that sounded like an appropriate punishment for his crime against Abi. So I did give him that chore today. The kids did jobs to earn the privilege of playing the Wii. That was E's task, and he did an ok effort of it. I guess justice is served.
Hyrum also faced justice today. He was pulled over on Nov 7th for speeding on his way to school. They had slept in and were late. Hyrum decided that, instead of being really tardy, (so much so that he would be marked absent), he would prefer to just actually be absent. So E and W went to school and H drove to Corey's parents' house. On his way to school before the beginning of 2nd period, he got pulled over in a school zone. And new news to us: if you're pulled over in a school zone, you can't just pay your ticket online. You have to go to court for your traffic violation. So, today was the day that Hyrum's court date was scheduled for. It was at 1. We left home at 12:20. We got there with time to spare, in case we needed to figure anything out that we needed to. It was my first time to court or accompanying someone to court.
His hearing was at 1. Around 1:15 a lady came and took us and a few others into a room. She explained what H's options were and asked him how he wanted to plead. H chose "guilty" and to pay a $140 fine. Then we filled out paperwork with a bunch of English jargon.
Then we sat there. Then we watched a short video about how things would go. Then around 2 we went into the court room and waited some more. There was lots of waiting. Of the 20-ish people in the room with us, H was seen after it was over half way. I was worried they were going alphabetically and that we'd be the very last, but it was about 2/3rd's way through. So yeah. H was nervous about this day and is glad that is it over. Not really that painful, but it was boring. Luckily we got back in time for us to go see Star Wars with the family! Corey bought tickets to the 4:20 show. I had left Peter at home, and when I got back with Hyrum, he was asleep. When we left to the movie, I told the kids to just put him in his carseat. I didn't think to check the status of his diaper. After the movie started, he started squirming and Mel passed him to me. I tried to nurse him but he didn't want that and that was when I smelled that he was poopy. In my rush to leave I had not grabbed a diaper bag. I took P outside the theater and pondered my state. They didn't have any for sale. I took P into the family bathroom and washed him with soap and water. Then back in to the theater without a diaper but with my sweater around him. I sat down and then I had the bright idea to use Daniel's diaper! I did remembered to change him before we left for the movie, and thankfully his diaper was still dry. And so since he's kinda potty trained (although he's being super lazy about it lately (so am I)) I reached over, while we are sitting in our seats, and I got D's diaper off of him and put it on Peter. I was a mom in a desperate situation... so it's ok, I'm ok, everyone ok? Crisis averted? What did I miss? But no, Peter didn't want to be in the dark theater, so we left, and I spent the next 90 minutes in the lobby. Yay. It worked out though, cause I said my reward for such suffering was to be able to stay and watch the show again by myself. And I did, and it was fun. I liked it. Good stuff. So yay, we got all the essentials done today - court, some cleaning, and watched the Rise of Skywalker! We like Christmas vacation.

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