Saturday, December 21, 2019

Baby Growing Up

The babies are at it again. Like all of his older siblings, Peter is insisting on growing up and he is not going to stay a little baby for me. This week he has demonstrated his rebellion by standing!! 
 He's so proud of himself for being such a big boy!!
Put your hands in the air and cheer for Peter! Or maybe he's saying "Look Mom, no hands!"
Oh he's so cute. He's taken a few steps but he's not sure on his feet yet. He's going to figure it out soon though. I'm going to miss him crawling around. He's so cute crawling. He's almost a year old, I can't believe how fast babyhood passes.
I told Mel that I'm pretty sure that the next time she sees him, he will be walking! So sad. So Peter's at that, and the little boys are at it again too with wasting useful products. Yesterday Owen emptied Hyrum's body spray all over his chair. I need to add this to his list of messes.
The smell in the teen boys' room is powerful. I had to close the door and leave their window open all day. Thankfully I found and put up the bottle of hairspray which was next to the cologne. I want babies to stay little, but I'm looking forward to the toddlers growing out of this. Someday they will all be functioning adults, like Melodie is. Last night I finally gave Mel her birthday presents that I forgot to give Corey last week to deliver on her birthday.
But that's okay, right? It just helps make the birthday last longer when you get presents a week late! She shared her chocolate with Natalie.
We're glad to have Mel home for a few days and we hope her mature influence rubs off on all of us.

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