Saturday, December 14, 2019


A few weekend pictures of some of the kids playing in different ways - Yesterday Peter helped me unload the dishwasher. Such a fun game!
He is following in his older sister's footsteps. Peter! Are you helping me unload the silverware? Yes you are! Sooo helpful!
The dishwasher is a good distraction. If ever he doesn't want me to set him down, I can usually go to the dishwasher and he'll let me release him from my arms. I'm glad he likes it there, it's a fun place to play.
Last night was a group violin lesson. They were getting ready for the Christmas concert. I didn't know that, so I didn't bring a stand or Sophi's music, but I guess it's not a big deal cause she doesn't read music yet anyway. I thought it sounded so great though, and I think it would be so fun to play with them! I've been learning some of the songs with Sophi, so I know like Silent Night and The First Noel, and I was bummed I didn't bring my violin. Maybe on Monday at our lesson, I'll see if I have the courage to ask Miss Amy what she'd think if I played at the concert. Cause if it's a big group with everyone, that might not be as obvious or awkward if I play? Maybe... I'll think about it.
Last night for date night, we went to the California Pizza Kitchen (love the Shanghi bowl!) and then we did a little Christmas thinking and shopping at the Mall. I was looking for a glass thing for Abi for Christmas but I guess the glass blowing or whatever shop that was there years ago isn't there anymore. So we just window shopped. Near the end of our date, Corey looked at his phone in a panic - "Oh no!..." "What?" I asked as I tried to think what the problem could be. Then Corey said he just remembered that today was the day to start the 12 days of Christmas!!! Uhhh.... did we talk about this? He then said he had talked about it with his siblings, and his bro Mark has done all the hard work of making the poems and figuring out what a gift could be for each day. Uhhhh, I'm feeling some stress.... and then he says that he was hoping to do it for 3 families "It'll be fun for the kids!" and then I was like couldn't breath. I can't hide how I feel, so he knew by my face that I didn't want to do it. I want to simplify Christmas this year, not do more things. We don't need to spend money on that. The gifts we'd probably get, especially to do it for 3 families, are probably going to be just junk gifts or junk food, no one needs those. Those were all my thoughts, and I guess luckily my lack of enthusiasm killed it cause they didn't get anything ready to deliver to anyone last night. Although we did buy 3 nice Fresh Balsam candles for the families that we minister to. I think that is good. I do really want to simplify our life. I want less toys, less mess, more creativity, more time together working, doing puzzels, talking, practicing music. The toys I put away last month are still mostly away. Today Owen has been playing with can openers, like they are trains/cars or something.
I love seeing their creativity with household things. I think this is a lot more fun than seeing him play the same with with actual toy cars or trains.
Maybe he thinks it's cooler too, cause these cars/trains turn in to planes! Or maybe nunchucks! 

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