Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Secret Service

We're trying to start a new tradition this year. I guess it's just another version of a tradition we've tried to do in the past, whether it was in the version of a piece of straw for Jesus' manger for each act of service performed, or through notes of service in the gold stocking for the Savior. I'm still itching to get the spirit of Christlike service into our home and family. So, once again, we're just trying to get it going. For FHE last night, I proposed that instead of the kids drawing names to have a sibling that they give a gift to on Christmas Day, that instead we try to have it be a month long service thing for a sibling. They draw names each week at Family Home Evening, and serve that person during the week, and then write them a letter to put in their stocking. The goal is that they will serve and also will each have some letters from a few of their siblings to read on Christmas Day. We'll see how it goes. It will work if they buy into the game. So we drew names last night. This morning, one of the kids got up early and made crepes for their secret sibling, Abi. They put the crepes in the bathroom where they would be seen, with instructions to eat them in the kitchen.
I hope all the kids play along! It will make it fun. I hope it works.
Owen, Daniel, and Peter aren't participating in the doing part of this, but they are able to receive service, so this week I drew the sibling names for them so it just means I kinda have 4 people. I have time for that though, so I'll probably just me making the beds a lot. A few cute pics of the little boys - Peter asleep on Sunday morning. He's been turning at night and usually is sleeping on his tummy by morning, which I think is super adorable.
Yesterday Daniel was playing with the hot glue gun. Lily had left it out after helping Sophi decorate her paper Christmas tree for school. She is a good girl to remember unplugging it. Daniel found it and started playign with it. And since we've been to the pediatrician recently, he used it as his stethoscope to check Peter's ears.
Peter held very still, it was cute. I guess they're just always cute to me though, aren't they?
One last cute picture - of Peter's chubby ankles last week (Nov 30th) as I nursed him.
I was thinking that for adults, even when we're overweight, the ankles stay pretty bony. So I thought it was so cut to see rolls on an ankle

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