Sunday, December 1, 2019

Temple Square Lights

Iveth and Diego and their kids came over for dinner tonight. It was nice to be with them. The kids played games and dressed up as I don't know what...
We had a nice visit and dinner ~
...and then we went to Temple Square tonight to see the lights! Ok, so first funny story... we took 3 cars. We all found each other at parked close to each other. Then as we were all getting out of the car and starting to walk out of the parking garage, Corey counted heads and asked "Daniel?" And sure enough, we were starting to walk away from the car with him still asleep inside. We hadn't gone far, I would have noticed. I held Peter as Mel, Abi and Lily went back for him, then they said "Sophi is in here too!!" I laughed and told Corey, he smacked his forhead with his palm, doh!!
Counting heads again, going over each one by name: Joseph, Guatemala. Mel: BYU but here for Thanksgiving break, we're taking her back after the ligths, then EHWALSNODP, yes, that's everyone! It wasn't snowing so that was good. It was still cold, but we came prepared - Corey brought along a "cooler" with some hot chocolate and they brought donuts. I didn't get the kids very prepared with winter clothes, so that is my bad. Iveth was so nice and gave her jacket and an extra hat to Natalie. We went around the south visitors center.
Daniel was still really tired. He was moaning and whining for quite a bit of the time at first. We waited as people used the bathrooms and as Corey showed people genealogy stuff.
D did better after we broke out the donuts.
They were cute festive donuts - Mel at a reindeer donut with pretzel antlers
Natalie - cold but happy. We shared the donuts with some passerby kids who looked on at our group longingly.
We walked around for just a little bit and then had hot chocolate.
That was a bit messy, but it was fun.
Group picture!
Iveth had given Daniel her extra jacket by then. So nice and selfless. One more picture of the kids before we head back to the car.
It was fun to be with them. They've been super busy this month. Iveth's kids are in a "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" performance in the Cottonwood Heights Art Council and we're going to go see it on Saturday. So they've been super busy everyday for weeks with rehearsals with that and we're busy too with the music performances and concerts that come with the season. It's ok - its just part of the holiday season

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