Thursday, December 26, 2019

Victor's Last Day

Today was another lazy winter break morning. I played a quick game of peek a boo with Peter after he woke up -
I was laughing at him when I came out of the bathroom because that was what I could see, those two cute little eyes peeking at me. So I got on the floor to hide from him, then jumped up to surprise him, it was fun, he's so cute.
He liked our game. He is so cute.
After getting him off my bed, I made my bed for the first time this week. It's time to get things back in order! And since it's the day after Christmas, around here that means I get to carry on my tradition of cleaning up the holiday festivities right away. Cleaning up for just one last time and for good... until next December. Yep, party time's over. Victor is still in the basement, so we only did the white tree today, so as to not intrude on his space too much. The green tree has the lights and ornaments off, and we'll finish it tomorrow. One down, one to go.
The aftermath of Christmas wasn't as bad this year, since we gave fewer presents and a lot less junk food and candy. It's still a mess, but not the usual explosion of holiday cheer.
So I was busy today getting the home back in a little bit of order. Corey, Mel and Abi went downtown to the Salt Lake Temple to do baptisms today. They left a little around 10 with Victor and were gone until around 4. It was super busy so it was a 3 hours wait. It was busy because it will soon be closing for 4 years for renovation. Abi has been asking for a while to go with Corey to do baptisms before it does. There are only 3 more days to make that happen, and today worked out best cause today would be Victors last chance. He is leaving early tomorrow morning. Corey, Mel, and Abi did baptisms and Victor did a session. It made for a full day for all of them but we are glad that Victor was able to go. He joined us for prayer tonight. And I took this pic of them all after.
Victor is the 10th of 12 children, so we joked that that explained Owen's attachment to him - they are twins that way. He was a very nice and quiet company. Not cause he was shy, he said it was mostly cause he was embarrassed that he doesn't speak English and so didn't understand the kids when they came up and started talking to him. He is flying out tomorrow to LA to visit a friend for two days and then heads back to Guatemala. Corey is taking him to the airport early in the morning (6am) We are glad he was able to come visit us!

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