Friday, December 20, 2019

Violin Christmas Concert

Last night was Sophi and Natalie's violin Christmas Concert. Natalie and Sophi got to shake the jingle bells, and also since Natalie was the only one there from the Pre-twinkle class so she got to do a solo on Pat a Pan! It was totally cute.
She stole the show.
It's like in ballet, when Mel had her performances, all those older girls can practice so hard and be so good, but I was still smiling the most as the little 4 and 5 year olds came out and did their little dance number. Natalie just played Mississippi Hotdog on the E string 24x, but from my vantage I could tell that she got the biggest smiles out of the audience and she was adorable.

My vantage was from up with the performers... cause since I've been starting to learn violin with Natalie, it was my Christmas Concert too.
That's me in the back. We left Abi and Wes home to watch the toddlers, and Corey came with Victor, Sophi, Natalie and Me. He meant to get a picture of us three violinists together in our concert clothes, but we didn't. Here is Sophi
Sophi and I both were able to play Silent Night, The First Noel, and Joy to the World.
I also knew the chorus of Jingle Bells and I tried to keep up with Wish You a Merry Christmas. I messed up so many times, AND I tuned my E string before we started but I don't know what happened if I bumped my pegs or what cause it was totally flat when I started playing - which totally threw off my concentration! So there was a good portion of the performance where I was faking it and just air-bowing, but still, "it was a good experience!" I had practiced Bring a Torch Jeannette Isabella sooo many times and I know I had it down as best as I possibly could have, but I still totally botched it. Mostly cause of the flat E string, but still hopefully wasn't that noticeable. I haven't played in a recital or concert since I was a kid at a piano recital. Well, I did concert choir in high school, but I don't think that counts. I don't think I'll do the solo violin concerts in the spring unless I get totally amazing. I am not quite ready to be up there on my own. Tonight it was nice having everyone else be the pros to get the song played properly. I felt like with this being a group concert, it was a good place to start and I was mostly able to sneak in without being too noticed although some of the mothers did approach me after to ask when I started and how it's going. Also some of my high school friends were there - who were SBOs with me have kids who are taking violin from Miss Amy. They noticed me "Is that Tiff?!?!" They were very proud of me! Haha, it was fun, and I hope to have all the songs learned for next year!

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