Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Acting Out and Making Messes

I got a good laugh out of Natalie and Owen tonight when I saw them playing Rapunzel. The long jumprope was once again the inspiration for the hair. Natalie and Owen were acting out the scene when Flynn cuts Rapunzel's hair after he was stabbed by Mother Gothel. "Let me heal him!!" Flynn lays on the floor, weak and bleeding.
Mother Gothel gives her permission. Rapunzel comes close. Rapunzel gave Flynn a Q-tip so he could use it to cut her hair. "Rapunzel, wait!" They go in for a kiss and start to laugh, then he cuts her hair! Rapuznel become Mother Gothel, cause Natalie is the only actress. She gasps in horror "WHat HaVE You DoNE?!? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??!?!?" (Natalie liked that part)...
Then she screams as she whithers away and falls from the tower (aka down the stairs) to her death...
Then Natalie hurries back up the stairs to finish the scene.... Now she is Rapunzel again, singing softly to Flynn... "...bring back what once was mine..."
Owen was trying hard not to laugh.
Cute cute kids. So I liked that part about this evening. And then things went well, I thought... around 10:00 pm, we had read scriptures, said prayer, and left to bed at a decent time. I took Peter upstairs to feed him and I was able to read my scriptures while he nursed. (This might be the first time in Come Follow Me that I've read all the assigned chapters!) The older kids had gone to bed, some of the little girls were still awake: Lily was in our room asking Corey profound questions like "Who created God?" as he brushed his teeth. "These are good questions!" was his reply. I got Peter to sleep and then went into the little boys room to put a diaper on Daniel. He wasn't there, and then I got distracted folding their laundry "real quick"... My mom sensors should have been alerted by not seeing the toddlers, but I was entertained by Natalie - she was following Lily's lead and asking me questions. "Who made all the stuff? Like all the houses?" "Well, Jesus made the trees and rocks, and then people use the trees and rocks to make houses." "Yeah... People make the houses. Even a long time ago they made houses, they just didn't always have houses like us, cause they didn't have any of the soft stuff. Except a feather..." (She was saying how they had houses with walls and roofs, but no soft carpet or pillows and blankets, cause all they had that was soft back then was feathers, but I loved the image in my mind... of pioneers with houses made of wood, holding a single feather.) I finished, told Natalie to go to bed, but to first go downstairs to turn off the lights, which would cause any stragglers to come up into their beds. But instead she hurried back up and came into my room to tell me that "Owen and Daniel made a BIG MESS!" Oh darn it, I should have known. I envisioned spilled soy milk or broken bread on the floor. I should have been alerted to mischief when they weren't in their bedroom. I guess I assumed they were in the girls room. But instead, they had been in the kitchen pulverizing corn tortillas. These pictures don't do it justice. I might try to upload the marco polo video I sent to the Moms.

I told them no no no no no no and you go to bed right now! Owen ran up to his room saying "Sorry mom!" and Daniel was still laughing at the fun as he crumbled tortillas over his head. I swatted his bum and ushered him to Lily to put to bed, and told her to get my phone so I could take a pictures. Sigh. I started to sweep. No, wait for a photo. Sigh. Lily came back. And then I said to myself, "Wait, I should make THEM clean it up!" Owen! Daniel! Come back here to clean up the mess! They came down and took the brooms and started to sweep.
Yeah, I need to get the video off of Marco Polo that I sent to the Mom group.
It was worse than these pictures can capture. But I am glad that it was not sugar or juice.
It wasn't anything sticky, so we were able to sweep it up relatively quickly. And I told them to not make messes. It's not nice. "Ok mom, I sorry." So no tacos tomorrow night, I'll have to think of something else for dinner. I also left my planner on the floor last night and they drew all over that and I had to make it again. They're quick.
I'm still doing good at making the planners each week, not doing great at using them each hour, but I plan on kicking it in gear this month with everyone back on schedule. I'll get back on schedule too.

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