Wednesday, January 8, 2020

New Sunbeam

Here are a few pictures from Sunday that Corey took - Daniel is a new sunbeam!
Sunbeams are the youngest class in Primary, so these guys just came out of nursery.
Cute little 3 year olds! This can be a rough transition for these little people, cause they are used to getting to go play with toys after they sit through sacrament meeting. But Daniel did great his first Sunday, I hope he keeps it up.
It's fun (and busy) having these little boys at home. They've been enjoying time with Mel this past week before she goes back to school.
Say "We love you Mel!!" Hugs for Owen and Daniel, and Peter always gets hugged since we're always carrying him around.
Too bad Mel isn't here all the time, I've enjoyed her extra hands and help during the break. But she's got her own life to live, so fine, I guess you can leave. We spent years trying to prepare you to be able to leave and survive on your own, so I guess we should be happy that you are able and capable. Good job. But come home anytime!

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