Thursday, January 23, 2020

Another Daily Log

Honestly, I don't know how to title my posts lately. Like I'm kinda just doing a daily life logs and putting what happens each day, so the title of this one would have been "JBR, Peter Asleep and MozArt Group" but it just doesn't make sense. So, I don't know how to label these things. Anyway. We are in the beginning stages for Ethan filling out his mission papers. He went to JBR last year to see if he qualified for their research study for his wisdom teeth removal, and he didn't cause he only had 3 wisdom teeth and he needed 4. But I called again to see if they had a study for just 3 teeth and they said yes, so we went in again. The little boys came in with us and feasted on the office candy while we waited for news after his x-ray. Daniel is really enjoying his nerds.
When the clinical assistant came back, he said E doesn't qualify for this study. For this one participants need two on bottom and one on top and Ethan has one on bottom and two on top, so he can't participate in this study, but their next one in March would allow two on top, so we're planning on calling them again again in March and hope that one works. I know we could just go to a regular place, but we like JBR cause we don't have to pay and he get's a gift card with a couple hundred. When we left he said let's just go somewhere else (cause he really wants someplace where we pick him up afterwards while he's high on the meds, so that we can make a viral video cause he's positive he would be hilarious on drugs - the one that we were laughing at today is this guy named Becket who squeezes the sunscreen, haha!)... but when I pointed out that he'd be trading a funny video of himself for the gift card, then he changed his mind. He wants that money for his free spending money. So that was a busy afternoon and these two took a nap after we got home. Cute boys
A few other photos from yesterday. I took another one of the little kids sleeping. Sophi shared her bed with her little brothers again. Cute to see the three of them there
Their room has gotten a bit messier with the little boys claiming it. We tried to pick it up a bit yesterday - Lily, Sophi and I were talking and folding laundry and Peter crawled into Lily's arms and fell asleep.
He likes Lily. And I was happy to folding their clothes for a few free moments without him crawling on me. He sleeps for Ethan and Wes and Lily, but not for me. Or if he does, then I'm like "I gotta get stuff done" like my job of endless dishes or forever sweeping, but as soon as I try to lay him in the crib he wakes up.
I am still letting him cry it out at night time, but I'm not as tough during the day. I'll pick him up and let him play, or will nurse him to sleep and then I fall asleep too. I do love snuggling with this little one, and in case he does end up being our last, I want to savor it. But I also am itching for some freedom. I'm glad he is attached to his siblings, I really appreciate the break they give me.

For my personal record, today was the day I got my first collections notice email from this Belfast Ireland fitness thing that I don't want anymore and I've already paid over $600 bucks for and I feel stupid for joining it but I'm going to blame it on my post pregnancy hormones (I joined it in Feb when Peter was a new baby). I don't want to talk about it yet, but yeah, just thought I'd put that here for my personal notes. I was watching a few things on youtube from Dave Ramsey about what to do with debt collectors. So it made me feel sick when I saw the email, but after a few videos and calling my mom, Nicole, and Corey, I think I'm ready for them.

One other thing - Last night Corey stayed up doing some computer programming with Hyrum (it was late but they were in the zone) and I was going to go stretch in my close but instead I got distracted on Youtube and first I found this ping pong video which I thought was funny and amazing. And then I watched lots of videos of this group called the MozArt Group - they are so clever!
Mel and I have been sending their videos to each other, this is one with the broken arms is one of her favorites. Sooo funny, like I am just smiling the whole time, so funny, I love them! Here's a few of them that I loved -
Four Seasons
The Conductor
World Music - I love cowboy Mozart and the yodelling

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