Tuesday, January 21, 2020


The little boys have abandoned their room and have been sleeping with their sisters. This was probably my favorite picture of them from Saturday morning.
I'm glad that the girls don't mind (yet?) having the toddlers sleep with them. Looking at these two, however, reminded me of why kids are not allowed in our bed. This would make me not have a good nights sleep....
I'd be thinking "I love you Daniel, but..... go away." I don't mind seeing them sleep like this though. I like seeing them share things, but I don't want to share my bed. Here they are this morning - it looks like Natalie got a bed to herself. Daniel slept with Lily's bed
And Owen was on Sophi's.
Another good thing: Daniel didn't have any accidents on Sunday or Monday! But he did today. I kept a pretty close eye on him all day Sunday but he didn't go at all. Monday I kinda forgot about it, but in the evening he called me for help, I made sure he made it to the toilet, and he did it by himself! And with that, I thought I could call it good
But then tonight he had a #2 accident, so we're not out of the woods yet, but he's doing good, hopefully just another week or so and he'll have it down.

A few other wins - Today I ordered blog books for 2019. The bad news was that Blog2print hasn't been doing any new year discount specials, which I was holding out for. But the good news is that I didn't posted too many pictures in 2019, so I was able to fit the year into just two volumes! 2018 was three volumes so I was hoping to avoid that, and I did, go me. That was what I spent most of my time doing today. So December is all caught up and I have a few posts for January to catch up on, but it's nice to just be weeks behind, and not months.

Hyrum went in for an interview at Subway tonight and he's going to start working there, hallelujah. Now he'll finally get some funds to help him work off his traffic fine and we're going to make him contribute toward the Fiesta's repairs too (cause it happened while he was behind the wheel).

A big win for Ethan - last night his bowling score was 248! He's been sharing this screen shot with everyone -
(Update: Ethan has made a youtube channel and HERE is a funny little bowling video tribute to himself that he made. Funny kid)

And one last win for Mel at BYU - she's been dating a very nice guy (returned missionary who served in Oregon) and last night they held hands! That's the first time Mel's held anyone's hand, so we were all excited for her. She probably doesn't want it recorded here, but it was a moment shared and cheered for by all, so sorry Mel, it's gotta go on the blog. We think she and Trent make a cute couple.

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