Saturday, January 25, 2020

College Auditions

Ethan had his audition today with the school of music at BYU. He was also supposed to have one up at the U of U, but they called and asked to reschedule, which was fortunate for Ethan cause he had too much going on this morning and was hoping to call and cancel- he had to get his Concert Night photographs taken up at the capital at 10, and then had to rush from there to go down to BYU for his audition at 1:15, and he wanted time to practice before that. Corey took him down. They met up with our own BYU Cougar Mel -
Hey Mel, any advice to give this young man?
Ethan had a couple of minutes to practice before his audition time.
And done. There was a lot of work leading up to that 15 minutes! 
Right after the BYU audition they headed to the Soundhouse for another audition with someone from the University of Hartford. Ethan was going to play a Sony Rollins tune he transcribed, but the guy said "I don't want to hear a transcription, I want to hear you!" So E was like, "Ok...." and then he played the transcription anyway, and the guy was like "Wow! You sound like Sony Rollins!" to which Ethan smiled and shirked it off, like "Huh! Funny, that's weird that I sound like him!"  Corey said that Ethan said the BYU audition didn't go as well as hoped, but the Hartford guy was blown away by Ethan. Corey was a little worried, I'm not sure if Ethan was, but Ethan got a text tonight from his teacher and the professor at BYU who makes the decisions, Ray Smith, who told Ethan that he is in. So that is really good news, congratulations Ethan! Now you just need to get accepted! They brought Mel home for the weekend, which is fun, we love having her here. And here are a few pictures of Peter being adorable and playing favorites tonight. Peter, who is your favorite?
Is it Mom? It's me, right? You know you love me the most, come to me! He protests and snuggles up more into Wesley's neck. Cute
See, I'm conflicted. As I said yesterday, I kinda want to be free of this little baby, but he's just so gosh darn cute! We all love it when he wants us.
I'm glad he likes Wesley. He likes Ethan, Wes, and Lily, and sometimes will tolerate Abi. Well, even if he won't come to me right now, I know I'm his favorite!

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