Sunday, January 26, 2020

A Fort and Family History

On Saturday, the kids had a few commitments: Wes had a lift clinic with his performing group, Sophi had a birthday party, and biggest exciting news Ethan had his BYU Music Program audition and another audition for the University of Hartford Connecticut (I think). Corey and Ethan met up with Mel for lunch. Later on Saturday night, and Ethan got a text from his professor from BYU saying he was accepted to the program, yay! Now he just needs to get admitted to BYU to make it official. So life keeps pressing forward.

Lately Abi has really wanted to get out of sharing a room with Lily and Sophi. Mostly cause of their barbies all over the floor. Sorry, not barbies, the dolls are "DC Super Hero Girls". And I agree, Lily and Sophi do make a pretty big mess in there. Abi contributes to the mess by leaving her fair share of clothing all over the floor. Anyway, Abi has asked and nagged and pleaded to share a room with Owen and Daniel instead. I told her I'd like to wait until Ethan leaves for his mission to officially move things around, but fine, you can go in there to sleep but don't move your stuff in yet, until I can find a new place for everything. Then Owen and Daniel weren't sleeping in there anyway, and then Abi did start to move things in and THEN the teen boys confronted me all upset "How come ABI gets her own room!?!?!" I told them "She doesn't have her own room..." Ugh, so then they all wanted to rearrange things and thus we had to fix it this weekend and we mostly did. So we moved a bunk bed in there, and now Abi and Natalie are sharing the small room/former little boys room. Owen and Daniel are in their toddler beds in Lily and Sophi's room. Abi and Natalie's room is clean. I still need to find a home for the train table. LilySophiOwenDaniel's room is a mess. So that's mostly what we did this weekend. Oh, and while the rooms were all in a disheveled mess, the kids decided yesterday to make a blanket fort in the front room.
It was very big and they used a LOT of blankets and books but I didn't want to stress about the mess they were making, so I went and hid in my room and read and snuggle with Peter.
I've been doing really good at studying the scriptures so far this year with Come Follow Me, I'm loving it. Corey came in the room and we both logged into Family Search and searched for "Relatives Around Me" and Corey and I found out that we are 9th cousins! Our ancestors meet up together at John Merrill (b. 1669) and Sarah Marsh (b. 1673) and their sons Caleb Merrill for me, and Nathaniel Merrill for Corey. Also for me through Albert Francis and Jessie Edith Butt, Corey through Reid Franklin Curtis and Lula Loveless. I didn't know we were related, so ya learn something new everyday. That might be a good app for the kids to use when they are dating.

One funny thing from this past week - Now that Peter is our baby and we are used to how he looks, we often have to do a double take when we see pictures of baby Daniel on the blog or in old photos.
He looks so different from Peter. It makes us laugh~
Ethan has continued to stoke this humor of this by sending me several old photos of Daniel during the past week.
Peter has such big eyes, and Daniel's look so small, especially next to his big baby cheeks and big bald baby forehead -
So then tonight I don't know why they were looking for the passports, but Corey and Ethan came and flashed this photo of Daniel at me and I lost it -
He's' cute now, but these are pretty funny.... I was dying of laughter - And Sunday is one of the few days I wear mascara, so it was running down my cheeks.
Corey was like "You can't laugh that hard at the way Daniel looks! The poor kid is gonna have a complex!" Well, Daniel, you wouldn't have even have been aware of us laughing at you if I hadn't blogged it here, so I hope this doesn't give you any self esteem issues, cause we think you're adorable (see pic 7) And maybe it's actually Peter that should be nervous - cause he's such a beautiful baby, he probably can't keep that cuteness up. He might have peaked too early! He ain't got anywhere to go but downhill! I think they're both adorable kids and I think they have a good chance of being good looking adults someday. And I think we'll all get good laughs as we ooh and aww at how cute you both were when we look back at your baby photos. Look at your mom, doing family history for you both! You guys are lucky to have it all blogged here for your posterity. (You're welcome!)

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