Friday, January 10, 2020


All the kids were home most all day every day over Christmas break, and that was when we learned that Ethan has been studying a new language. It is called Ferb Latin (from some Phineas and Ferb episode years ago). You can hear Ethan speaking a little Ferb Latin in the video here where they were playing with phone filters. It's basically Pig Latin, but instead of saying "ay" after each rearranged word, you say "erb". We heard Ethan speak it a lot over the break and I even started to pick up on it a little myself. But mostly it made me laugh. Then Ethan tried "Corey Latin" where he'd say "orey" after each rearranged word. Tiorey asworey eallyrorey unnyforey. (Translation: it was really funny)

So, Ethan has been in New Orleans this week with the Crescent Super Band for the Jazz Education Network Conference. I sent him a text on Thursday Jan 9, and he sent a reply:
Translation: "Cool. I miss Peter. Mom I can't stop speaking Ferb Latin. I speak it more than English."

And that made me laugh too. I think Ethan has been our most gifted child for verbal battling, and so this ferb latin thing made things a lot better over the break, cause it slows down that powerful weapon. And even if he did happen to make a jab at someone, it was in ferb latin and he would be distracted trying to make sure his translation was correct, so yeah, it's been a real help! Ferb Latin has worked to make our home a happier place. Things actually seemed to turn around on Christmas Eve, when Corey was gone skiing with kids, and I went not wrap presents with other kids, and I left Ethan and Abi home with instructions to clean. I was a little worried considering the contention between them on Sunday before. And I said yes, they could play Smash Brothers once they cleaned the main floor. When I came home, the house was clean and they were playing. Ethan said he and Abi were tight (aka close friends) which was a good thing since two days earlier she had been in tears. Ethan gave her a hug to prove their sibling love. Abi told Corey afterwards "I don't think he really meant it (the hug), but it was still really nice!" Hugs work, even if you're not really feeling it, it will help! So things have been going great since Christmas Eve and we hope it continues.

Hyrum has enjoyed being the oldest kid this week with Ethan has been gone. He was able to have the car to himself last night. They didn't have school today (yesterday was the end of the term) so he went to hang out with friends. But as the evening progressed.... it snowed... and when he left, the roads were slick. He called to tell Corey it was scary but he made it to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Yes, we said the Fiesta is really bad in snow, so we gave our blessing for him to stay there for the night. From Corey's recollection, Hyrum said he almost hit a curb. But today, on his way home, the car would not go straight. Hyrum was on the freeway but then got off and pulled over and called us for help. Thankfully I dropped off Corey at work, so I had the van (Corey's car died months ago) I drove out to find Hyrum, I tried to drive it a bit to see if it was an alignment thing or maybe an axel thing, but yeah it was bad, so we pulled over and I had my first experience getting a car towed.
We had it towed to Burt Brothers. I left it in front of a bit fancy house and I went to their car intercom thingy by their gate to let them know that I was leaving my car in front of their house but it would be towed in an hour or so. The towing guy had to go up to Syracuse first, but soon he got it and took it to Burt Bros, and they called me a few hours later and said that thankfully it wasn't anything major, just two tire rods need to be replaced. But with the towing it is going to be $450. $450 for Hyrum to hang out with his friends. Hyrum, we're glad you were safe, but he was pretty sad. "This was supposed to be a fun weekend" he said as he sat in the van. Yeah, so much for having the car to yourself. It's okay though,. Corey and I talked on our date tonight and we are both in agreement that they take the car for granted, so we're not going to necessarily be in a rush to get it back to them.

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