Saturday, January 11, 2020

Corbett Art

Today I bought some prints from a door to door salesman. He came by this morning selling his architectural art - drawings of LDS temples. They are so good and detailed! His name is Doug Corbett and here is his website. And I was so impressed. He told us how his brother is an artist too, and I just looked him up - His brother Ken Corbett. Anyway, from Doug I got a big print of the Salt Lake Temple, and then two small prints of the Bountiful Temple, where Corey went through the temple for the first time (aka was "endowed") and of the Manti Temple, where I received my endowment. Lily came down the stairs and saw his pictures and she was so impressed, and she's my little artist, and I think she was inspired. So I asked if I could take his picture with Lily. Sophi is an artist too, and she wasn't asking questions, but go ahead and get in the photo Soph!
Art is in your blood - I've got it. Grandma Hibbert's got it. You kids got it too. I enjoy seeing the art and drawings they make, and I appreciated visiting briefly with Doug and being able to show the girls - look at how GOOD he is! And he's going door to door to sell his stuff! It takes work! And work is good! If you ever try to do something with your art talent or any talent and skill, know that it WILL take work, but you can do it. Hard is not bad. Hard is doable, Hard is worth it. The Lord like's effort. That was one of my favorite quotes from a book about President Nelson that I recently finished. Page 197:

"We're not alone. There are many people who had a hand in all that transpired in Europe during that era." When asked what he learned from the assignment to open the countries in Eastern Europe, particularly in light of the many sops and starts, failed meetings, and ups and downs, Elder Nelson replied simply: "The Lord likes effort. He could have said to Moses, 'I'll meet you halfway' But Moses had to go all the way to the top of Mount Sinai. He required effort from Moses and Joshua and Joseph Smith and from all the subsequent Presidents of the Church. He requires effort from bishops and stake Relief Society presidents and elders quorum presidents. There is always a test. Are you willing to do really hard things? Once you've shown you're willing to do your part, He will help you."

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