Thursday, January 2, 2020

New Years' Day at Brighton

I felt fairly refreshed on New Year's morning. I got a pretty good nights rest, but my feet were a little cold I guess. Still, I was very glad that we didn't have any throwing up during the night! (I got barfed on last year and in 2017) I came out to greet the children and see what had happened to them as they went to bed. Lily was on the floor with Daniel. He still had his boots on.
Owen asleep on the floor - no pillow.
Ethan told me later that he was up past 3am.
He and one of Hyrum's friends were sharing the couch.
 Wes greeting Peter with a good morning hug.
Corey went back home to sleep and was on his way back up with Hyrum. I tried to get kids up to go skiing. Owen was still there on the floor in front of Wes...
But when I told Owen it's time to go skiing, he got right up and eagerly got ready!
Look at that smile, cutie. What a good kid!
 Corey arrived and finished getting kids ready.
 Wes, Corey, Owen, Sophi, Abi, and Mel ready to head to the hill -
On the hill - getting the skis on...
Sophi catching up....
Owen is a good kid.
He gets in between Corey's legs, hold on, and...
....Off they go!
Wes and Abi waiting for Mel.
"Come on, slacker!"
 Corey called me after a few hours and I went to pick him up near the main office.
Brrr! How was it?
He looked cold, but still had a twinkle in his eyes and I think there was a smile underneath that scarf.
Usually we drive up to the cabin in our two cars and leave them in the parking lot overnight, and then have to huff it up to the cabin or have someone come get us. This year we rented a SUV with 4 wheel drive. We rented cause we knew it was going to snow, and thus our car #2, the Ford Fiesta, was not an option in getting us up the canyon. That thing is so light, it's like a tin can on the snow. Corey's car died a few months back, so we just had the van. I texted people to see if I could outsource some of my kid passengers, but everyone was already at the cabin or already had a full car. So we went and rented a Acura I think it was. It worked out well. We were glad to have it and we felt independent for the first time ever since we were able to drive up to the cabin without worry of getting stuck! It was great! No fear wondering "will we make it?!?!" in our attempt up the two snow hills to the cabin. If Corey gets a car this year, I think we'll get a 4 wheel drive car. Or we'll rent one again next New Years, cause it was really nice. Eventually Mel and Wes skied back to the cabin. 
All the teenagers visiting...
After Mel was back, Corey asked me to get Lily and Natalie ready to go out with him. Mel then suggested "Do you want to go?" I hadn't thought of that! But... sure! I hadn't come prepared with clothes or skis, but I was able to borrow from Mel and Abi. Lily and I headed out with Corey and Natalie to the kiddie hill
Corey and Natalie on the lift -
Corey skied with Natalie a few times and I went with Lily, then we switched.
Natalie, say cheese!
Joseph called while we were on the hill, it was kinda funny. It was hard to have a good conversation when I had to keep putting him in my pocket while we skied down. Or cause my hand was freezing as I held the phone during the video call. I tried to transfer him to Mel, to chat with her, but she wasn't answering her phone. We didn't say goodbye, he just gave up on us.

When we got back to the cabin, I counted kids, then realized I hadn't seen Owen. "Where's Owen?" "Have you guys seen Owen?" I panicked for a little bit, but then I found him, lost amongst the piles of discarded winter clothing all over the floor. He was hard to spot... pretty camouflaged!
A little easier from this angle
He still had on all his winter clothes. He was sad that we had left him, he wanted to go skiing.
Daniel was sad too. He was dressed and ready to go skiing, but with the wind blowing snow in his face, he didn't even make it down the cabin stairs. Corey said we had to leave him, he would be useless and miserable. So we left them. Sorry kids! Owen forgave us.
So it was another fun new years day. We're looking forward to a wonderful 2020!

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