Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Highlights of 2019

Happy New Year! Looking back at all that happened in 2019, the biggest and most wonderful thing was welcoming Peter into our family in January.
Here's some of the highlights with kid milestones, birthdays, hospitalizations, and family fun:

February - 20 yearsPeaks Jazz Festival
March - Ethan is 17Peter RSV
April - Ethan in China, Mel GMS Gala
May - Mel graduates High School, Wes as Thor, School is out
June - Lily 10, Wes 14, Corey planned an amazing Youth Conference for our ward, Joseph has been on his mission for one year! Family Vacation to California
July - Natalie 6, Owen 4, Joseph is assigned to the newly created Antigua Guatemala Mission, Hibbert Reunion in Yellowstone, Hyrum at EFY
August - Ethan and Wes survive High Adventure, Fun at Bear Lake on H's birthday, Hyrum turned 16, which means drivers licenseCowabunga BayFirst day of school, Mel is off to BYU
September - Abi is 12, Sophia is 8, Sophi is baptized, Daniel 3, Funtopia, Butterfly Biosphere, Abi braces off
October - Peter has Croup, Funplex, Halloween
November - Abi's dermoid cyst, Hosting Thanksgiving, Park City Skiing
December - Melodie is 19, Temple Square Lights, Violin concert (Tiff's first!)Peter is almost walking, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day

We are looking forward to all the great opportunities and fun memories we will make in 2020!

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