Thursday, February 20, 2020

Advancing Levels

Peter is doing really well at walking. I think he's gotten the hang of it. Although he does walk more staccato-like than legato (to use violin terms)
He started doing advance level walking today by thinking he can balance on the rolled up area rug in the front room - and to his credit, he didn't fall and bonk his head.
Trying to show off - "This is so easy!"
He kept pretty good balance, so yeah, I think he's passed advanced level! Good job P. He's working hard at advancing levels with his mess making abilities, too - as demonstrated here when he found a roll of toilet paper - He was fascinated by how it rolled away as he pulled it - cute.
Last night he was throwing around a bouncy ball in the laundry room -
Earlier this morning he was playing with this little toy car -
He was scooting it all around the front room
He's a boy - he likes balls and cars.
I like my little boys.
Natalie lost her other front tooth last night.
That tooth has been crooked in her mouth for over a week and last night she finally let me yank it out. Thank you Natalie.
I think you look better toothless than with that thing dangling sideways in the front of your smile. And with those two baby teeth gone, it looks like Natalie is advancing to a "next level" too. Everybody just keeps growing up.

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