Wednesday, February 19, 2020

21 Years

Happy Anniversary to Us. We celebrated this past weekend, so today was just a regular day with all the regular happenings, like a grumpy Peter.
He is not a "morning person" er... "morning infant"
Here I am snuggling with his pretty self in bed for his mid-morning nap. I bet we'd just nurse and snuggle all day if it were up to him.
He sure is lovely, but I really need to move on, I can't give much more time to this babyhood. It's time for both of us to grow up and move on and live lives of a little bit more striving and effort. I won't hold you back Peter! Don't hold me back either, ok? Let's start to become contributing members of society.

So, it's our anniversary. I've already done the family Pictures of us through the years for our 19th anniversary, and last year I did a 12 kids, 10 moves, 7 cars, 4 countries, etc etc post. So, as a tribute to our marriage today, I thought I'd answer some questions that I saw on a facebook thing.

Junior Prom 1992
"Forever Young"
May 15, 1992
Skyline High School

• How you met: In Ms. Tolboe's 7th grade Home Ec Class at Wasatch Jr High
• First date: Skyline High School Junior Prom, 15 May 1992 (pic above)
• First kiss: 19 Feb 1995
• Engaged: 12 Dec 1998 after my mission companion's wedding dinner
• Married : 19 Feb 1999
• How long together: 21 years today
• Kids: 12
• Age difference: a month and a half
• Who is older: Tiffanie
• Who was interested first: Tiffanie
• Who is taller: Corey
• Who said I love you first: It was over emails in 1995-ish that we started to try and say it - He said "I love you more than computers" to which I replied "I love you more than soccer" and that moved to us joking "I love you more than fish" which turned into a little saying we had for years, which was symbolized by "I 💗U >C<" which was further simplified to >C< which was engraved on a watch he gave me for my birthday as a gift on my mission
• Most impatient: We're probably equal - or atleast we tag team - when my patience is gone, he steps in and when his patience is gone, I take over.
• Most sensitive: It's a tie.
• Loudest: Hmm, not sure, prob another tie.
• Most stubborn: I'm going to say Corey
• Most outgoing: Corey. I enjoy sitting by and listening to him talk and share his thoughts. I think I used to be outgoing, but I'm turning a little bit into my dad that way.
• Falls asleep first: Tie. And sadly whoever falls asleep first keeps the other one awake by their snoring. Maybe right now I'll say him, cause he usually sleeps through the night, while I'm Peter's pacifier all night long and get woken up several times, it's kinda the worst.
• Best cook: I guess me, but I don't cook often enough for it to be something I might brag about. Corey makes perfect crepes
• Better morning person: Tiffanie
• Best driver: Tie
• Most competitive: Tiffanie

Corey, let me know if you have any corrections to my answers. Here are some links to some of our love stories -
Dating, First Kiss, and Courtship
Three and a Half Years Apart
Seeing each other after 3 1/2 years

I'll do a few more questions from the Wedding Shoe Game - Just my first reaction without putting too much explanation or thought into my answers:

Who made the first move? HER
Who paid on the first date? HER
Who was the first to declare their love? HER
Who proposed? HIM
Who’s more romantic? HIM
Who plans more elaborate date nights? HIM
Who wears the pants in the relationship? BOTH
Who’s the best chef? HER
Who’s a pickier eater? HIM
Who handles the groceries? HER
Who’s a better tipper? HIM
Who’s more likely to steal all the covers on a cold night? HIM
Who snores louder? HIM
Who wakes up first? HER
Who stays up later? BOTH
Who’s the better shower singer? HIM
Who spends more time staring at their phone? HER
Who’s more likely to start an argument? NEITHER
Who’s more likely to max out their credit card? HIM
Who’s more likely to save all their money? HER
Who’s clumsier? NOT SURE
Who’s chattier? HIM
Who’s funnier? HIM
Who’s messier? BOTH
Who’s more dramatic? HIM
Who’s more stubborn? HIM
Who’s more organized? HER
Who’s more athletic? HER
Who’s more of a thrill-seeker? HER
Who’s more adventurous? HIM
Who's more likely to get injured? HIM
Who's more likely to get sunburned? HIM
Who’s better at keeping secrets? HIM
Who would last longer on a deserted island? HER
Who’s more outgoing? HIM
Who’s handier? HER
Who’s more likely to cry during a sad movie? BOTH
Who’s more likely to scream at the sight of a spider? HER
Who’s more likely to arrive late to an appointment? HIM
Who’s needier when they’re sick? HIM
Who’s the best gift-giver? HIM
Who has a bigger wardrobe? HER
Who has the best style? NEITHER
Who takes the longest to get ready? HER
Who’s more likely to lose their keys/wallet? HIM
Who’s more likely to lose their phone? HER
Who does the dishes more? HIM
Who does the laundry more? HER
Who’s a better dancer? HER

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