Friday, February 28, 2020

Busy Music Weekend - Concerto and Flute

This has been a very busy music day. Tomorrow will be busy too - It's like all the people in charge of scheduling music stuff said "Hey, there's nothing going on at the end of February, so let's do the ______ then!" Today we had five things: 1) Mel had a flute concert in Provo, then she came up to support 2) Abi at a Utah Flute Association thing. Corey was at the flute stuff while I took the girls to a 3) violin rehearsal before a concert tomorrow, then we came back home for a brief break. After being a flute Chauffer, Corey took Lily with him to go see 4) Wesley at the Big Noise Festival (formerly called the Peaks Jazz Festival) while I got the rest of the kids ready to head back out toward Skyline for 5) Ethan's Concerto Night.
Concerto night was a really big deal - a great capstone event for these seniors. They auditioned to be one of the students allowed to perform. It's been months in the works. Corey went to the parents meeting after we found out Ethan made it. Corey signed up to be in charge of the banner, posters, and program (and volunteered his talented sister to help, she did all the hard work and did such an amazing job). Ethan's spotlight in the program.
Here is a video Corey's parent's took - a few minutes of the beginning of the song (where Ethan's cummerbund getting loose and falling off right after he started playing!) and the rest of it here as Corey's dad got the video positioned where he liked it -

 It was a wonderful performance by everyone. The musicians coming out for a bow -
I had my hands full with all the little kids, so Corey texted Hyrum to go buy flowers, so thanks Hyrum for giving us something to give Ethan - Ethan and his BFF friend Truman who performed on the trumpet.
The little kids did very very good sitting still and quiet, knowing there were cookies at the end of the show. That was why they all agreed to come. I knew there were going to be refreshments cause each parent was in charge of providing 4 dozen. There were a lot more than that though. It was a cookie feast.
They ate their fill and we visited with Ethan's friends and other parents. We got the phone number of Truman's trumpet teacher, so we're going to look into Wes taking lessons from her (he's never had a real lesson!)

We didn't go to Mel's Flute Concert, but we're glad for her friend recording it for us - Fantaisie by Gaubert

Mel came up to SL and met up with Corey and Abi.
Abi's performance today.

Day 1 of the busy music weekend done! More musical fun to come tomorrow!

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