Saturday, February 29, 2020

Busy Music Weekend - Violin and Jazz

Now, for the Violin and Jazz part of our big music weekend - yesterday Natalie and Sophi had their rehearsals.
Tonight was their concert. Mel and Abi through Peter came to that with me. Mel was home after coming up to Salt Lake last night to go see Ryan Hamilton at Roots Tech (love him!!) The concert was at Holladay City Hall, which is right by a playground that the kids love, so they wanted to go play. I didn't want them being noisy during the concert anyway, so I gave them my blessing. They were all outside for the whole concert, except for Peter.
So I recorded the concert to show to Corey and all the kids that had come with me. It was super cute. They performed after half way through the program. They did a good job. Natalie went first with two variations of twinkle rhythms....

(My favorite part was the last note that Natalie played. So cute) And then Sophi was next with Perpetual Motion.

Good job girls. Natalie and Sophi with Miss Amy after the concert.
While we were at the violin concert, Corey was with Ethan and Wes at the Big Noise Festival. Here's Corey's recording of Ethan's solo tonight.
We were grateful that the Big Noise Festival was here in Sandy, so that helped. It would have been a lot harder for us to figure out logistics for this weekend if it was in Utah County like it has been most other years. Since it was closer, Corey was able to go to that with Wes and Lily last night, and then Wes went with Corey tonight to see Ethan tonight. They both had tickets that they had to sell for that, and Wes did a great job Thursday night putting forth a good effort outside of Smiths, like was selling newspapers "Extra extra! Come see the greatest show in Utah!"
Owen helped him for a little bit, it was cute. He didn't sell any there, but we were glad he tried. He got lucky and was able to sell most of them yesterday at school, just in time. Wes ready to perform - cousin Jordyn came to give support.
Here's Wesley's solo from last night.

We are proud of what our kids are learning and doing, and we'll keep on encouraging them to keep it up! But whew, it was a crazy busy weekend. I think we're gonna be grateful to take it easy tomorrow and enjoy being home!

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