Saturday, February 8, 2020

MozART Group in Concert!

The highlight of today for me was going down to Provo with Corey for date night. Melodie and her cute roommate Noelle met us there, and we were on the 2nd row for a wonderful concert with.... the Mozart Group!
Selfie before the show began -
We even got to meet them afterwards and get a signed DVD - they gave it to Mel and Noelle for free since they are students, so nice!
Corey and I walked back to the car to get more cash and came back to get another DVD for Corey's parents (to say thanks for his dad for substituting for Corey as a chaperone at the high school sweethearts dance that Corey volunteered for before I got these tickets) and the crowd was mostly gone (just some locals that speak Polish were still there yappin' it up), so I waited for a photo with them. 
I needed a picture cause I'm an aspiring violinist and I need some #goals visualization for my future studio wall. Someday I'll be touring with my "Mozart Moms/Grandmas" Group and I'll be able to trace my moment of inspiration back to when I watched the MozART group in concert in Provo way back in 2020. A lot of the show was the numbers that are on their youtube channel, but it was just soooo fun. Corey asked me afterwards if my cheeks hurt, cause every time he looked over I had such a big smile. But it was so fun. I love them! I would go back again in a heartbeat. I love the Killers, but one concert there was enough for me to get my fill, but I'd go see the Mozart Group again, and I'd be sure to tell everyone I know to come too. It was just great. One performance that they did that I hadn't seen yet was Titanic -

Seriously, I was laughing so hard.... doing the seagulls and ocean wave sounds!!?!? They are so creative and talented!!! And imitating the rocking of the boat! SO FUNNY! Gosh I love them. It was so fun to be there. Ok, I'll move on now.

No, I'm gonna rave for just a minute more, cause seriously, we were so lucky to go to this.... I only learned about these guys a few weeks ago (Jan 22nd to be exact) ... and I heard about them by chance thanks to some youtube algorithim that knows I'm into violin stuff. So it came up as a suggested video, but I saw it in time for us to hear about them, love them, and then learn that they were coming to Provo! And yay, there were still plenty of tickets available! There shouldn't have been any left, this should have been sold out months ago. And they only had 3 stops in this US tour! I had googled to find out if they were touring and couldn't find anything except Europe stuff, but luckily Mel lives in Provo she sees a billboard saying that they are coming to the Covey Center in Provo!  She told me that on Jan 31st and we promptly bought 4 tickets. The are always performing in France, Poland, and Germany, but their US tour included: Provo, Scottsdale Arizona, and Palm Desert California. And that's it. So yeah, this was just perfect timing and it was so fun, a memory I'll treasure (and I hope they come again!)

Some of the other fun things we did today were: Corey took Sophi, Natalie, Owen and Daniel skiing.
It was super cold - Corey shared his face mask with Daniel. Owen already had one.
Sophi and Natalie toughed it out.
But it was cooooold. They just did the kiddie hill for a few runs, enough to turn Natalie's nose and cheeks pink pink.
They were just gone skiing like 2 hours total time, including the drive up. While they were gone skiing, Wes and Abi had gone to the church to play in the gym. Corey took the kids over there to join them after they came back, to let them run around and warm up.
Owen's face has gotten more black and blue but less swollen.
He's doing good and has really liked the attention from everyone. He must have really hit it hard. Today I cleaned out the kitchen pantry and put the spices in a better spot, it looks amazing. And Lily didn't go skiing cause she had a birthday party. I told her she had to practice in order to go, and she did a great job. She's sounding great, even if Peter seems to not think so.
Lily told me that she thinks she was pinching his leg on accident as she held him and played. Sorry Peter! We'll be sure she doesn't do that again.

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