Sunday, February 9, 2020

Sad Daniel

Daniel at church today - he was sad at me cause I took away a toy.
What a look!
Actually I can't remember why he was sad. It was either cause of a toy or cause I told him to be quiet. Either way, I'm pretty sure it was because I was trying to enforce reverence. And he was being reverent even with his pouty lip.
I'm glad Abi was there to comfort him. He's a sensitive little kid.
I gave him my phone so he could take a few selfies.
It made him feel better. Natalie before church, doing some Sabbath appropriate playing with the keva blocks. Yes, we love Jesus!
Here's the status of Owen's nose - swelling has gone down, black and blue coloring is still there.
You really clocked yourself hard, didn't you Owen?
And one last note - I bought these cookies at Costco yesterday, and I ate the whole bag. Vegan, and dangerous. They were very yummy treats. Sorry to my family that I didn't share them. 
Well, I gave Mel a few at the Mozart Concert last night. I can't buy these again cause I want to lose weight. A few other things from today - we went to Corey's parents' house for a potato bar. It's always nice to be with family. We came home and watched a little bit of 90 day fiance for our cultural and future family relationships lesson. Tonight as we read scriptures, Ethan was translating into Ferb-Latin everything I said, pretending to be translating it for Wesley who doesn't speak English apparently? It was funny. Ethan really has become quite the family and class clown. Some of the stories he tells us of things he does at school are quite hilarious. I'll need to get him to type them up sometime.

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