Thursday, February 6, 2020

Snowy Morning and Upside Down

This morning Ethan headed down to St. George for the All State Jazz Band Rehearsal and Performance. Two afternoons of rehearsal and then the performance on Saturday (I think). Ethan went to a dentist appointment today for his mission papers. He was missing school for All State. He was carpooling down with someone from Alpine, so he had to be down there at 11, so we tried to squeeze it in before. He had a 8:30 appointment. I was going to take him but I was still coming home from taking Hyrum and Wes to school. They were going to take the car, but they got stuck driving out of the neighborhood to school. I figured I'd take them in the van, so I shoveled behind the van, and then right as I finished the snow plow came down the street, so then I thought they'd probably make it okay, so then I shoveled behind their car so they could drive it. They left but got stuck on a turn that left a bit of a pile of snow. The fiesta is pretty pathetic in any amount of snow, so I ran in my boots down the street to help them get un-stuck, and then we brought the Fiesta back home and then I took them to school. They were late, traffic was bad, and when we were finally at the Skyline exit - the offramp was closed! So then we had to drive to Foothill to finally be able to turn around, it was nuts. And they were really late, so even though they did sleep in a little bit, I did excuse it cause it wasn't entirely their fault. So crazy snowy morning. And when I finally made my way home, there was a huge line of cars heading up the canyon. Luckily I knew about Danish road so I took that and bypassed the line, which was a good thing too cause I would have been stuck there for a long time since I found out as I turned away from the canyon, that it as closed for avalanche control. There were a lot of cars thinking they were just waiting for skiiers heading up to the slopes, but no, it was closed. I was glad to get back home and inside and would have been happy to just hunker down for the day, but I had to take E to Alpine. That was a little crazy but not too bad. Ethan shared a fast food life hack while we waited for his ride: Order a root beer drink and mini frosty with your 4 for 4, and presto - you have a rootbeer float.
Also works with orange soda or fanta. My little friends enjoying some fries.
Tonight we were fooling around a little bit with headstands. Here are Daniel and Owen:
They were trying to copycat Wesley and Abi..
The three of us were practicing a tripod headstand. Wes was the best, he held it for over 90 seconds. Peter making a few adjustments to Wesley's technique...
I can get into the headstand pretty quickly and held it for one minute. Today Abi beat her time and held it for 16 seconds. She is the handstand champ though, she's practices handstands a lot and is getting good. She is hoping to learn how to do a walkover. We should get her some professional instruction, but it's kinda fun to just fool around with it. Peter is still my little yoga downward dog baby. He was doing some before bedtime stretches here on Tuesday night. Natalie joined him. Yes, Peter was not paying attention for scripture time again, tsk tsk.
Peter and Ethan playing upside down peek a boo (21 Jan)
Whenever we can tell Peter is about to go downward dog, we like to hurry over and say hi to him upside down. He always seems so pleased/surprised to see us, it's fun. The only time it's not so fun for him to practice his head stands is when he's nursing. He has been doing this more often than I would like. Kinda drives me crazy...
That was a nursing selfie this afternoon. During this nursing session he literally scooted his little feet over and was standing on my stomach as he held onto me with his mouth, which was a first. I'm kinda done nursing... although I've been feeling, thinking, and saying that for a few months now. Here's a few pictures of him on Dec 30th. He looked so sweet, so I also love it...
I've never nursed past a year, except for I think Daniel I might have but it was just at night that I nursed him for a while.
Unlike Daniel, Peter nurses several times a day. So I'm feeling a little trapped by him. Like how my arm is trapped under his sleeping head.
If I move he'll wake up and I won't be able to do anything, so might as well just be resigned to my fate and lay here and listen to General Conference or Teaching with Power, or if I'm feeling like wasting time I'll laugh at Mozart Group or TwoSet Violin videos. If I'm nursing him at the computer the same thing happens - I'm trapped. If I move he'll wake up, so I'm stuck. I have lots to do at the computer though (blog, family budget, write Joseph, etc) so I don't mind so much at the computer, other than it puts my glutes to sleep sometimes depending on how I have him propped. I need a chair cushion. I have a pillow nearby, but that usually goes to Peter. I'll lay the pillow on my lap, lay P on the pillow, then I slouch over the keyboard and let him nurse while I type. Sigh. I am wanting my freedom back though. We'll see how much longer this lasts....

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