Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Owen's Owie

This little boy went to the InstaCare tonight for stitches. 
Lucky for him, the scar will hopefully be right in the crack of his nose, which I'm hoping means it will not even be visible. Trusting it doesn't make the skin stretch weird as he grows up. So this is how it happened.... today we got some fun Keva Blocks in the mail. Corey ordered these upon Wesley's recommendation. Wesley usually skips lunch at school so that he can go into the library to play with the Keva Blocks. Wait, he corrected me, he doesn't "play" with them, he "builds intricate architectural designs" with them. The kids started going right to work and were all having fun.
Corey was in his office, I was upstairs, and after a bit we hear a full on "MOOOOM!!!! OWEN'S BLEEDING!!!!" and the thundering of feet as they all came running. Corey intercepted them first and saw the emergency - Owen had a blood soaked shirt and blood in his mouth, we weren't sure where it was coming from... We get them all to calm down, but Owen is still screaming, we were able to wash him off and see that it was coming from his nose. We change his shirt and have him lay down to see how big it is.... The kids said he slipped on something (the floor is a mess downthere....) and fell forward hitting his nose right on the corner of the train table.
He watched some Toy Story on Corey's phone while I checked for how much it was bleeding....
We decide it did look big enough that it would need stitches. So Corey took him in to the Instacare. Owen started to cry again and it opened the wound again "I don't want to go to Doctor!"
Corey took him and Owen did great and was very brave. It was good to see him calm and to see a little grin on his face.
So yeah, there's our first Urgent care visit of the year! These kids are just so fun and busy and active! I had to do some computer work today (Relief Society monthly newsletter) and it was my deadline to get it done, so I gave Peter whatever it took to keep him busy and content and quiet.... so he got to play with a pot of white beans and wheat at my feet.
He thought it was pretty fun!! So many small chokeable pieces!
And it makes a nice big mess, just like laundry detergent or sand! Fun fun.
They are busy fun kids, and quick to destroy. This is a measureing tape that Ethan got out last night to accurately measure his heigth for his mission papers. And he didn't put it back. And Owen and Daniel found it this afternoon and were playing with it, and less than an hour later - broken. It says "Hyper Tough" but apparently not tough enough to survive toddler use!
These kids are super quick at making messes, breaking things, and getting hurt. I guess that's just what comes with life when you're young and the world is so new - they are just so busy learning and exploring the world around them! Which also explains why my life is a continuous flush of stories of cleaning, fixing things, and kissing cuts and bruises. I love it though. I know I'm so lucky to be living this abundant life. An abundances of kids, messes, bumps, bruises, smiles and love.

1 comment:

  1. It is so sad to see Owen have stitches. But at least he was smiling at the doctor! :)
