Monday, March 23, 2020

Cautious and Prepared

I've gone from thinking all this coronavirus stuff is overhyped to thoughts that it's gonna kill my kids. Somewhere in the middle is probably the best way cope and proceed, right? We are all healthy right now as far as we can tell. No fevers or coughs, but I guess still being scared is normal. I was thinking this evening, as I held Peter, of how hard it would be to lose him.
Those eyes above are without a filter. Such a beautiful baby! I guess I'm a little more worried about Peter since he did have two respiratory ER trips last year - for RSV last February and Croup in October. Don't die Peter! I'd miss you soo much
So we are following the rules for social distancing, and we are washing our hands, using sanitizer, and doing our best to keep things wiped off here at home with the clorox wipes. I really wish I had more of those two latter things on hand, but oh well.

Today my mom came by with a birthday cake for Ethan. She stayed outside and we didn't give each other a hug, which was strange to not do. But she and my dad are over the 60 age limit so that makes them high risk, and I'd hate it if we unknowingly have anything and gave it to them. So we stayed apart. Mel helped bring in Ethan's gifts and cake. Daniel got to the cake first, and proceeded to eat the frosting edges...
So if Daniel has coronavirus, pretty good chance we'll have it. But if Daniel has it, we won't be getting it just cause of this cake. They are just dirty little nose wiping non-hand washing kids. We are really trying to help them be clean, but they're toddlers, so...

Today I ran errands. First I went to Dollar Tree to get some things for 72 hour kits. I thought it would be a good FHE project/activity. I got sunblock, tooth brushes and tooth paste, hats, and some gum and candy. Then I went to Deseret Book to get the main thing I wanted to buy today: some simplified hymn books so that each kid can have their own copy to mark up and make notes in. I liked this sign they had by the parking stalls -
You can stay in business and people can stay in their car if they want - it's like ordering takeout. Good thinking Deseret Book, that is a very good option! I still decided to go inside, but I was happy that they have this available for business and the economy. I got 8 simplified hymn books and two simplified hymnbooks in Spanish. Then, since I was out, I figured I'd try Costco to get a few more things to use in 72 hour kits and maybe I'd get lucky and there'd be tp. There was no line to get in, but there was also no toilet paper or hand santitizer or anything. I got some food that kinda looked like space food in the tear open bags, and z-bars, dried fruit and nuts, and small water bottles that we could use in our 72 hour kits. After dinner, Abi went and got all the extra backpacks downstairs. Then she went to the garage for the space blankets, ponchos, and tube tents that I had in there with the camping stuff. We tried to divide things among the children. The little kids were a little too excited by this game we were playing. I answered "What are these for?" and "What is an emergency?" many times and they still didn't understand and I was getting flustered cause they wanted to eat the candy.
And they wanted to keep wear hats. SO I decided to just let them have the candy and hats and I'll find them later when they've lost interest in them and have left them on the floor, and then I'll finish up the backpacks myself. We'll have a 72 hour box of food by the kids back packs. I had to let Owen and Daniel keep their backpacks cause they didn't want them in the garage. I took their stuff out and their change of clothes and put them in Sophi and Natalie's bags. I need to finish Corey and my stuff, and then put all the Costco food in a box, and then we'll be ready for a 72 hour flee your home emergency should one arise. With the virus and earthquake, we're hoping to be prepared I guess.

As I studied my scriptures this morning, I was reading Ezekiel 37 about the Stick of Judah (Bible) and the Stick of Joseph (Book or Mormon) and later on in verse 21 of that chapter, this stood out to me today:
That sounds like what is going on with all the missionaries going back home to their home countries. We got an email from his mission president yesterday is that he will be coming home. We are excited to see him. We are excited he will be able to see Ethan before E's mission (trusting that does happen in July) and we are excited for J to meet Peter!
Peter was being super cute with Ethan today - he's learned to do a fake laugh, so funny.
We love that little boy. Everyone stay safe out there! And here's a funny meme my brother Neil shared with us yesterday, ha!

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