Friday, March 27, 2020

Happy Home Life

I think today was pretty great. Today felt like what I wish my life would have been like had I homeschooled the kids. ...and had they all agreed to be willing participants in said endeavor. I came across a lot of them reading -
Natalie didn't want to share her school library book with Owen, and I knew of the damage the toddlers have done in years past to school books, but I asked her to share. She left the book for Owen to use and I found him later looking through the pictures in her book, so cute.
Lily is working on a diamond paining
There was also a lot of music practice.
The big kids are doing great at piano. Ethan kinda cheats...
He said "I don't know how to read piano music..." so he takes the shortcut way. He says he plays better than us, so "it counts" but I think he should learn the hymns, they are easy and he could learn to read that if he tried. I'll keep working on that. He was composing music for most of his day though, so that was great. It was cute to see Peter dance to Ethan's tunes.
Corey said that having Ethan transcribing and composing could make this whole quarantining worth it!
Ethan and Wesley picked up Chromebooks at the school last week that they are using to do their homework, music, and zoom meetings.
I picked up Chromebooks today at the schools for the little girls and Abi to do their homework on. 
It was the last day to pick them up, I'm glad I finally checked my email! We can still bug the kids/controlling the chromebooks by turning off the wireless, haha.
Lily catching up on homework. I told her the things that she is behind on, and she felt a little defeated.
So there's lots of great work doing on, and some playing too - Wes Mel and Hyrum sharing a laugh over some Instagram videos -
And the kids have been hard at work with legos (they brought back in all the legos I took out to the garage, and trashed the place. oh well...)
After a hard day of work we let them play the Wii while we were gone on date night.
For date night, Corey and I went to Costco and did shopping together, which was kinda fun. Usually in my weekly trips we fill up the car with gas. We did that today too... This was how "empty" it was when we pulled up to the pump...
Anyone else saving a lot on gas during this quarantine? That's one of the pros of this situation I guess. Then we picked up India House stuff on the way home. And I set up a little sad dining table (out of paper towel) in our bedroom so we could have some quiet time and extend our date.
 The kids' restaurant yesterday puts my table to shame. But that's ok.

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