Thursday, March 26, 2020


It's been another day of quarantine. Peter and I slept on the floor.
If I get enough pillows and blankets then it is ok to nurse him on the floor, and it's good cause it makes it easier to slip away from him on the floor - cause I don't have to worry about the bed or couch cushions moving and giving me away as I make my escape. I thought he looked adorable at the foot of our bed this morning.
This afternoon for lunch, Abi and Wes wanted to play restaurant. Abi taking Natalie's order, and customer Daniel seems quite pleased with his entree.
I put Peter down for his nap and the kids kept coming and knocking and telling me to come to their restaurant and order something.
Ok ok... Corey ordered first.
Natalie coming to let him know of some other options.
 Sophi played lovely music for our dining experience.
I asked if their restaurant had a babysitting service. Thankfully it did. I said we usually don't take our baby out to eat with us and apologized for any inconvenience it might cause them.
I had already cooked my sweet potato lunch and so even though it wasn't on the menu, I ordered it and told them how to make it with coconut oil and dates. They did pretty good and even toasted my pecans! I thought that was a nice touch. Mel had also made a delicious lentil soup from the Pick up Limes website. When she makes meals and I'm like "I love this! What is it?" She'll say "It's from Pick up Limes". I should get on there and start cooking some yummy food. I'm glad Mel made it, I think I should assign her to cook more often. They liked playing restaurant kinda, but Wes came out and told me "This is exhausting! This is a lot of work!" and we're like "Yep." They didn't clean up the kitchen, I did it later. but I enjoyed the food and cute service. Owen followed his older siblings examples and brought us food. He came up and plopped an apple by my plate, like a kid bringing an apple for his teacher. Then he disappeared. And quickly appeared again with a half of a lime for Corey....
You're a cute kid, Owen!
Hyrum wasn't impressed with the restaurant. "They wouldn't take my order!"
They didn't serve him either, Hyrum had to serve himself. Natalie played more music, and Corey gave her a tip. Daniel wants some of Corey's food.
So it was cute. It's nice to know that even if we can't go out to restaurants right now with Covid 19, we can still have a nice dining experience at home.

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