Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Mission Anticipation

Hyrum, our model self taught piano student, practice for an HOUR today!!
Go Hyrum! You made me a proud mother. You keep this up and I bet you'll be able to play all the simplified Hymns when you go on your mission next year. Good job.
Ethan is going to have to crank it up his piano practicing to hopefully speed learn the songs, cause his mission papers are already in. Today some of our friends got their mission calls. Mel's roommate Noelle is going to Anaheim California! Ethan's call should be here next Tuesday. He is kinda worried he'll go someplace boring and no one will cheer. I said that is a possibility, cause his parent's mission assignment DNA is 50%-50%. Corey went to someplace exciting and foreign - Chile. But I got called to boring stateside. And it was really bad, cause it was even in a bordering state:Tempe, Arizona! Booooring. And I admit, I was a little sad back then when no one seemed very excited or wow-ed by that place when I would tell people of my assignment. But in the end it doesn't really matter. It will be the right place. Arizona was the right place for me, and I met my BFF and twin sister. We teased Ethan that he'll be going stateside. A friend Ethan's age in our neighborhood opened his call tonight, he is going to freaking Madagascar! And I said that is going to be hard to beat. He said "Donkeer." (That's how he says "Don't care") We teased more - "You have been called to the Birmingham Alabama Mission!" "I don't care! Alabama is dope!" followed by "Noooo! I don't want to go to Alabama!" Corey's crossing his fingers for India or Africa.
Ethan's lucky he doesn't have to wait for it to come in the snail mail. But mail delivery might not be a problem, the suspense still might kill him before then anyway.

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