Thursday, March 12, 2020

Life is Cancelled

Well, BYU is moving classes online. Earlier today Mel had heard that concerts and performances were going to be cancelled (which would obviously affect her as a music major) and then around 4:40 the Church newsroom announced that church gatherings worldwide would be suspended beginning immediately.
And then BYU said they will be closing classes and will move the rest of the semester online, so Mel and her roommates were sad and crying cause they are all going to miss each other. They knew things were coming to an end, but to have it end abruptly was unexpected and hard to hear. Sad college girl -
Sorry to post a picture of you crying Mel. And Ethan said today at school was crazy for him. He's Senior class president, and on their group chat some of the seniors joked about pretending there was a covid-19 outbreak at Skyline, and they got ratted out and Ethan got called in to say who the kids were that pretended to start that rumor. He had to go report them to the school. so he felt like a snitch but it's getting serious. Their WAMA dance, that they had been preparing for for months, was scheduled for tomorrow but is now cancelled (Women's association Mens association). Poor Ethan, looks like he got that spray tan yesterday for nothing.
But he is pretty happy with how dope he looks. He's got a nice dolla' sign on his chest. Just call him "The Bronze". (Pull up your pants, E. Should I remove that pic?) Let's see, what else is cancelled - school might be cancelled for two weeks. Ethan said it is (he's in the know cause he stayed after for a meeting, he said today has been one of the weirdest days of his life) Hyrum said it's not decided yet, Corey said he hasn't heard anything on the news about it so he doubts it, but we'll see.

As for Abi in Texas, we're trusting she'll be able to make it back home next week. Should we be nervous???? She and Corey had a fun exchange over text -
Abi - "I'm not a mom, but parenthood is hard!"
    Corey - "Totally hard"
Abi - "Like, I'm napping every chance I get, or I'm just still homesick"
   Corey - "Imagine if you also had to nurse a baby and make money."
Abi - "Augh! I don't want to think about it..."
   Corey - "...and you have to clean the house and cook dinner."
   "...But your kids don't like what you cook."
   "...And they don't feel like helping clean."
   "...and complain that they are bored and there is nothing fun to do."
Abi - Haha, I'm sorry!! Show mercy! Yeah, I still have to make sure that's possible for me to do.
   Corey - "...and then you ask them to practice and do their homework so they will have an easier time as an adult but they hide and ignore you...."
   "...and after you go to sleep late at night they knock on your door because they want something.
   "Ha ha ha"
   "We love you!"
Abi - "Love you too! I think I slightly understand your life. ...but they don't wake me up in the middle of the night."
   Corey - "And you do it for 20 years.
   "And then when they move away you are so sad and miss them and wish that you could have that precious time back when they were little."

It's true, we will miss this busy and crazy hard time when we have them at home. Life is good, even with coronavirus and even when life is cancelled. God is in charge, we can trust in his plan. None of these things are a surprise to Him. Look to His prophets, hold to the rod as we go through mists of darkness and trial, God will safely guide us through.

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