Friday, March 13, 2020

Seems Okay

Today was just another day of life and school. It will be changing next week, but as for today, the sun is still shining and the school buses are still running. Usually Owen wakes up early, but this morning I woke him up when I woke up the girls. They all slept in their own beds last night! Wow!
I thought they all looked cute. Good morning little Daniel, all snug under your blanket
After the older kids got home from school, I took a brave step forward and I decided to go shopping. I went with a little bit of caution, as I was hearing horror stories on facebook. But I also thought things might be getting worse and crazier, so the sooner I faced the store, the better. With our usual emergency preparation I feel that we're all set for month with everything (for a year with food), but to play it extra safe if this goes on for a few months, we could use more diapers for Peter. So I went to Walmart. It didn't look too crazy from the parking lot. I walked in. I looked around, the isles are neat and orderly, not a mass of people fighting or anything... seems ok? What do you think Peter?
Sniff sniff.... inhale and exhale. Do I need to be careful? I felt like I was living this clip from Galaxy Quest.

Guy Fleegman:
Wait! Don't open that! It's an alien planet! Is there air? You don't know!!!
Fred Kwan:
...Seems okay...
Haha, so funny. Sidenote - we recently learned where the word okay comes from. This video caught my attention the other night as we were on youtube before scriptures, and I had to know why we say OK! Turns out it was a kinda code letters, satirical abbreviation, that meant "oll korrect". They had a few others that got their start around the same time as OK but are no longer used—including K.C. for "knuff ced" K.Y. for “know yuse,” K.G. for “no go,” and O.W. for “oll wright.” They seem to like the letter K. Maybe that's why Spanish uses que? Ok, KC, back to Walmart...

I walked around the store like I usually would have, going for the diapers first. I was very happy that they had a big box of diapers in the brand I prefer and in Peter's size - that white and green box on the bottom there.
Yahoo, we're set. There was a lot gone off of the shelves, but that was ok. It's a good time to be vegan, cause I didn't even care that the milk, butter, eggs and cheese were gone! We grabbed a few things. Bananas, apples, clementines... I even found a few of the last big jars of spaghetti sauce. I bought some big flat bins that will fit under the kids' bed. We we're going to try again to organize toys and costumes and things, and this time I'm not going to do it by toy type. Each kid gets to choose toys that go in their bin, and that's it. Atleast that's my plan. We'll be working on this project for the next few weeks while the kids are out of school. Then to checkout. The line was long and slow, but we eventually got out. I had to buy Peter some tiny Nilla wafers to keep him happy and quiet during the wait.
I missed the picture, but he had a handful of wafers all stuffed in his mouth and almost spilling out, and then he made a calling noise as he leaned toward the cashier to get her attention. It was funny. And then we were done! Not bad at all.
I came home to see Owen and Daniel taking a nap by my door. I locked it before I left, cause no one needs anything in there. O and D might have thought I was in there, so that might have been sad for them if they thought I was ignoring them. We woke them up, time for dinner.
Corey and I went on a date at Blue Lemon. Things are good and I hope we learn from this how to handle uncertain times. As Corey said tonight, heaven help all of us spoiled Americans if we ever have a real crisis.

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