Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Digging, Supermoon, and FaceApp

So, the youtube algorithm introduced me to a pretty amazing video yesterday. I was inspired by Mr. Tfue and his amazing digging skills. The kids have still been a little bored... not as bad as the first week, but I saw this and thought, hey, let's get to work! So I sent the video to Hyrum and said "We should do this!" We have dirt in our yard! The little kids have been playing out there yesterday and today since the weather has gotten warmer. They dig and make cookies. I joined them for a little big. I just wanted to dig a hole. I'll just start with a simple hole before I do an underground cave, pool, or house. I was digging and I knew it would be harder than Mr Tfue's clay ground... we have a lot of roots and rocks. But I still dug away, and after an hour I got maybe a 10 inch square pit. I made a pile of dirt next to me. Sophi came over and was very pleased with my dirt pile.
"It's really good that you're doing this! Cause dirt is in ALL of our recipies!" Ha, that made me laugh. Then she followed up with "Dirt and seeds..." as she continued her meal prep. Owen helped me dig.
Lily, Sophi, Natalie, Owen and Daniel... we were all out there playing in the dirt in the great outdoors.
I took a break after an hour. I'll go back out tomorrow. Time to do my real work of making dinner and cleaning. I've been cleaning the kids feet a ton, the floor gets dirty quick with their dirty shoes and feet. I cleaned them off and they came inside. Joseph invited Owen and Daniel to read a story with him. Daniel was out after like 1 minute.
He's been playing hard. Joseph also helped Natalie practice her violin. It's been really great to have another helpful adult around...who doesn't have any time commitments at the moment.
Mel is helpful too, but she's doing school stuff. The kids are doing pretty good at helping around the house, but reading with the kids and helping them practice music gets extra brownie points. Thanks Joseph.

Tonight at sunset we went out to see the full pink super moon - it is going to be the biggest and brightest of 2020. We couldn't see it from our house cause of the mountains, so we drove down the hill and street for a bit and found a good spot to park.
So pretty!!! And it was right by a nice field that was surrounded by a little hill, perfect for taking fun sunset photos! I also like that the hill kinda keeps all the kids fenced in, and that the hill makes it hidden from busy traffic to the north and any passer-bys in the neighborhood street to the east. Corey sat holding Peter while the kids ran around.
Venus to the west.
Spending time outside was great. The weather will be nice again tomorrow, so we're going to come back here to Waterford again tomorrow night. It kinda felt like our own private yard that is big enough for all of us to have plenty of space to run and play.
Back at home, we started to brush our teeth and get ready for bed. Natalie and I brushed our teeth in my bathroom. We wanted to give her a smile with full set of teeth, so I opened the FaceApp. It's been several years since I've used it or since we all played with the faceapp together.
We gave her some makeup. It still looks a little weird on the bottom left, but she's a pretty girl. And then played around with it a little more. Here's Grandma Natalie.
We played around with it with the rest of the kids as we waited for everyone to gather for scriptures and family prayer. I just gave Joseph a haircut, cause it was "so long". He meant to get one before quarantine in Guatemala started, so he said he has needed one for over two weeks already. He's keeping the clean RM (returned missionary) look for now. But we used the app to see what he would look like with a beard.
Ethan and Hyrum and Wes moaned at the awesomeness of it.
"Joseph! You have to grow a beard!" "You would look so sick!" "That is so dope!" "You would look so epic!" "I would respect you so much!" Here is old Joseph.
Cute. So we explored all the boys with beards and on the "cool old" filter. (Ethan's shirt changed from the picture above cause he got into his pjs.)
Ethan's reply to himself "I look so sick..."
"That's gonna be awesome." Hyrum - looks like a punk that's too old to be living at home.
Old Hyrum looks a bit like George Lucas.
Beard Wesley -
And old Wesley.
"I can live with that!" As long as they have beards, they think they look awesome. Here's Owen with a beard.
He's a little too young for facial hair, but he's cute.
Daniel couldn't have a beard, cause the app thought he was a girl. We decided to not put makeup on him, and we just went for old.
He is a scary crazy grandma. I'll have to get one of Peter later. For the girls we did makeup and then Grandma. Make up Mel -
And Grandma Mel -
You look good Mel! Make up Abi
And Grandma Abi.
Pretty princess Lily -
And Grandma Lily.
Makeup Sophi - we thought she looks like a Latina
And Grandma Sophi!
I was pretty happy with my Grandma look.
Maybe the app is going easy on us. I also explored bangs.
I probably won't do it, but I might pull some of my short hair toward the front more often. So that was fun. Some other faces that made me laugh today were on our chore board.
We had a poor showing at the morning devotional at 8:30. So for the three kids that were in attendance (Joseph, Hyrum, and Sophia) I gave them smiley faces instead of just check marks. Later in the day, someone came along and gave all the people that were not there frowny faces. When I saw that, I thought it was a little harsh, so I changed it to asleep faces with just closed eyes and a straight mouth. Then tonight I came to prep the chore board for tomorrow and found this and it made me laugh so hard...
All the people that were asleep were now smiling in their sleep, and the people that were awake looked tortured and like they needed and wanted to go back to bed. Hyrum's face really made me laugh. I could tell by the level of this sophisticated artistic work that it was Mel who was the creator behind it.
Daniel colored over most of the faces on the bottom, so he drew over Abi sleeping... Mel had her snoring with her mouth open.
They're funny kids.

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