Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Scavenger and Easter Hunts

I went for a drive early this morning to try and watch the sunrise and the moon set. 
Super cool.
I love watching the moon.
I watched it until it was all the way gone.
I wish the sky were a smidge darker so that the moon would be more visible.
I can still see it!
Maybe I'll have to come again tomorrow, I'll have to figure out if evening or morning will be the better time to see it close to the horizon. After last night, I thought I'd be able to see it better this morning since the mountains wouldn't be in the way, but I forgot about the bright sky. Oh well. It was good to get up early. (Strange that 7 am is "early" for me right now.) 

Today there were two fun things that our wonderful neighbors did. First off, the Primary Presidency from our Church came by to each of the houses of the primary children and set up an easter egg hunt in each yard. Since we weren't able to do the annual hunt because of Corona, they delivered it to each house and hid 5 eggs/treats for each kid in the family in their front yard. (Past hunts in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2015 in Brazil, 20132011 in Chile) The note was taped on the front door. When I showed it to the kids, they got so excited and ran to find baskets/bags.
Abi helped the little kids hunt.
Lily found one that was in a hard spot! I called to her "Be careful! Don't fall! Or if you do, fall on your feet... it's better to break you leg than to crack your skull..."
She made it off the wall fine, phew. Daniel said "Look! Treats! For my birthday!"
Owen and Daniel each found five.
Natalie had the hardest time finding 5 treats. She only had 2 and still needed 3 more. We all were helping but we couldn't find anymore. Then we spotted one in a tricky place! She didn't want help getting it though. She was able to hit it down with her bag. 
So that was fun. And after that was done, I let the kids know of another fun thing that some grandmas in the neighborhood had planned - a scavenger hunt! The ladies asked me if they could put the list in our yard, since we were kinda a central location between the two streets of our neighborhood. They had a list of 13 things to find in 8 different yards, and then at the last yard there would be an answer key and a treat. I told the kids that they had to finish their chores and music practice before we could go and they dutifully worked and we were on our way at 2. 
It was a lovely day to go for a walk around the neighborhood. It was nice to say hi to neighbors and we did our best to obey social distance rules.
Back at home, there was more digging in the yard. I came across a sprinkler pipe in my hole, so I stopped and don't know if or where I'll dig next. Digging is hard, there are lots of roots and rocks in our dirt.
I let the little boys have free reign of their creativity and Owen had his shoes off and was dumping sand on his socks.
They were going to go straight into the tub when they were done. Daniel found a nice pile of muddy stuff in one of the watertables. Burying Buzz....
Owen helping him work. It was cute to see them, and it's good for them to be outside.
I locked the door so that they couldn't just come inside and run wherever. When they knocked, I picked them up and carried them straight to take baths. I washed feet and gave baths and started laundry a lot today. My hands are super chapped. Inside, Wes was reading...
And Peter came up to him to say hi, his cute little head there is barely able to clear the table.
And then Peter pushed the white board, which was just leaning against the window, and since he pushed it back all the way to the window, it teetered and started to fall toward him and Wes. Wes was there to protect Peter, but the loud SLAP of his hand against the board made Peter very very sad.
He cried just for a minute, and got hugs from me. He might not touch it anymore, we'll see how scarred he is. I got a picture of Peter this morning for his faceapp beard, ha. The beard doesn't put him into the "dope" or "sick" category, Peter is still just cute.
It was a warm evening again, so we went back to the field at Waterford where we went last night to see the moon. I left my phone at home but Ethan got some good pics...
I need him to send me the rest, but it was fun being there together - playing soccer and rolling down the hill. One good thing about all this corona stuff is that I have all my kids at home. I'm loving having everyone here and that we're able to spend so much time together. 

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