Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Kid Driving Range

Today I made three meals. As I was reviewing the day in my mind, I was thinking to myself "why didn't I get anything done today?... oh yeah, I spent all day in the kitchen... " So, I don't want to do this all the time, but I did a good job today. I made 8 cups of oatmeal this morning, and it was all dished up and eaten. During the school year, I'd do like 6 cups and the boys and I would eat most of it, but I didn't even have it today. I'm glad they are eating their oatmeal. for lunch I made hummus wraps, but I put so many veggies on it that I couldn't wrap it much, so it was more of a hummus taco. While I was busy working in the kitchen, it dawned on me that the kids were not running around inside and interrupting me. They were all outside, where Abi had made a little kiddie driving range in the street. Hooray for living on a dead end! Here's our creator riding on a swivel cart.
The sunshine deceptively made it seem like nice weather, but it was still really crazy cold, like yesterday. But it was good for them to be outside, and not in the dirt! Yay, I don't have to give them all a bath when they're done playing. Natalie was the police officer (and was driving a bit wrecklessly for a supposed keeper of the law...) She pulled over Abi... and gave her a ticket...
For driving the wrong way in the lane. Funny.
Daniel and Owen really liked parking their bikes in the stalls Abi made. Sophi liked going on the freeway (sidewalk) where she could go as fast as she wanted. They all had wallets and had paper money and their driver's licenses...
It was cute. Then I told them to come inside for lunch. My hummus tacos. Joseph said they were very good.
This morning Daniel was talking Joseph's ear off and interrupting him, so Joseph decided to still try and get his morning routine done and he invited Daniel to read the scriptures with him. I thought I was recording but I guess I hadn't pressed start. But it was cute to hear Daniel's little voice reading the scriptures with Joseph's help.
Dinner was good rice and beans with salad, avocado, limes, and some Brazilian pico de gallo that was super tasty if I say so myself (I did it from memory) I added some coconut oil to the beans to try and fatten them up the way Joseph likes them from his Guatemala days of o so long ago. He said I'm getting closer. It's been a good day.

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