Monday, April 13, 2020

Indoor Play

We've never done "Easter Baskets" before, but we did one basket this year. On one of our date night errands, he got a basket and a bunch of chocolate eggs at Costco. Corey got an Easter basket as a kid. I remember getting a new stuffed animal for Easter, it might have been part of a basket, but mostly I remember Easter egg hunts.  Yesterday Corey got up early and had Joseph hide the eggs and the basket. Joseph hid the basket really well, we were surprised how long it took us to find it, especially with how large it was, you'd think it would have been easy. They finally found it and all ran to the table to open it.
Oooh! Chocolate! Candy!! Give me some!
Peter was happy just playing with the eggs.
For some reason, today some of the kids still felt like they hadn't had an easter egg hunt, and they (mostly Abi) were begging to do a hunt today. Corey thought they should, I didn't see a reason to have MORE candy, but I relented and they did another hunt. I didn't get any pictures of that one, but Abi put it together for herself and the little kids. SO, I hope that's enough candy and that we're done for now.

I went on a walk this morning and saw pretty spring flowers.
It was so cold though!
The blossoms are trying to tell themselves it is warm enough to come out, but then some of the buds next to them are like nope, I ain't opening up.
So we're not playing outside in the back yard today. Cause it is like seriously freezing. So.... we brought the fun inside. My sister offered us some of her kid's old scooters and cars over the weekend, and Corey and I went and picked them up, and today since it was soooo cold, we let them bring them all inside.
It was noisy, but they were busy riding all day.

They had a fun time riding around.
In the front room, Peter practicing overcoming any fear of heights - Lily and Sophi put him in the window.
He seemed quite comfortable up there.

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