Friday, April 17, 2020

Round and Round

Another day of lots of the usual quarantine stuff. #1 of the usual: Reading - I love having the older kids here to help read with the little kids!
It warms my heart to see them. Peter likes to skip to the end...
#2 of the usual: Kids finding my phone and taking selfies. 
Natalie takes more selfies than anyone else, so it was a welcome surprise to see Sophi's face here. Seriously though, I deleted 81 photos of Natalie yesterday. That was a high selfie day, usually it's just in the 20s or 30s.
Expressive Sophi, Funny Daniel. Another usual, atleast it has been for this week: 3) the basement track. It was super cute today, Peter was down there pushing Sophi around.
Around and around they went -
I kept thinking that Peter might be starting to wonder "Are we there yet? No? Ok, I guess I'll just keep pushing..."
Comin' around the mountain again... Abi did a good job making this little street.
Peter seemed to enjoy it and I left him down there to keep playing with the kids. 
Sweet Little Pete.
And them all playing nicely down there gave me a quick chance to actually come blog, yay! 
It's date night. We'll probably go out to eat, but we're not going to Costco tonight or tomorrow. we're going to hold out for atleast another week to see if Corey gets any takers with the job market out there. Last Friday was his last day at his consulting job, and so far for a new project and opportunity, he's just had two interviews this week. He heard back from one today that he didn't have enough experience in the coding language they needed, so that was a no. He's going to reach out some more and we'll see where we are next week. We keep praying for everyone who is being affected in so many different ways from Coronavirus. 

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