Saturday, April 18, 2020

Big Bouncy Balls and a Fort

It was a good Saturday. I ran one quick errand to Walmart for a few things to help us play outside. 1) Flip Flops for the little boys - we'll see if that keeps their feet any more clean. 2) Some big bouncy balls for the kids to play with on the trampoline. $2.50 each, that is a good deal for a day or two of fun. Hopefully they'll last a little longer than that though. Corey has a picture of them on the trampoline that I'll update with later.

I also got 3) black gloss primer and paint. Usually when I repaint the stools each spring, I just use gloss paint, and it chips and wears off so quickly, so I'm hoping this stays on better. It already is looking more durable. So we were all outside as I washed off the stools, then dried and sanded and washed again, then we repainted them and they look so much better. I'm pleased.

It was a pretty nice day, so I brought out a blanket. We started with just a blanket on the lawn and it was nice to lay there in the sun. And then we brought out more sheets and used the pvc pipe hockey goals to make a tent.
You little boys having fun? There is something magic about making forts and tents. We brought out a folding table to add a door. Fun fun day outside.

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