Friday, April 24, 2020

Teacher's Parade

Today the elementary school had a way cute event - a Teachers' Parade! They left the school at 1:00 with all the teachers in their cars and they drove around to all the neighborhoods and areas where the students live. They weren't coming down our street cause we're on a dead end, but they were looping around close by our neighborhood, but it wasn't until near the end of the parade route, and I thought we could probably be waiting out there for an unknown and long amount of time. So instead we drove down to the church where they were going to be passing by right as they left the school. They are all ready to see their teachers!
Natalie made hers by herself, I helped with Sophi's
Hold up your sign high!
Lily made a big emoji and was nice enough to share it with Daniel.
We heard some loud sound horn siren which we figured was probably a signal that the parade had started. Get ready to wave!
The teachers were in their cars, some of them with their spouse or kids driving or waving. Their cars were decorate with signs and balloons and streamers. Some threw candy. They saw their teachers and their teachers saw them. We all waved and yelled "WE MISS YOU!" I thought it was a very cute idea. It ended pretty quickly and the kids said they wanted to wave again. So I dropped them off where they could stand, and I went home to park the car in the garage. I got a stroller and started to walk back up with Peter, and when I was almost there, they were on their way back. They changed their mind and wanted to come home. So then we came home. So that was that. Then it was a day of work. Lily started and finished her US State report slide show. Good job Lily. Lily and Peter being cute at each other.
The kids have been behind with homework, but they started working harder this week and Hyrum is caught up, and Wes, Abi, and Lily are all working on it. Ethan hasn't started trying, but that is cause he's been busy working on some not important or due homework that he is having fun with (making a video). He finished it this week and had it's first screening with us on Wed night. Then he did the final edits yesterday and he published it at 2 a.m. this morning on his Instagram. It's pretty fun. Kinda embarrassing, but still fun. It's not a totally accurate description of our home right now, but many of the things shared have been true recently. Like the little girls' room usually is messy. ...but it's not right now!
How weird is that, the little kids' room is cleaner than the big boys bedroom!
I have a few other disclaimers about Ethan's video that I'll share tomorrow, but I did like it and I think he did a great and funny job. Lots of our friends and neighbors thought was great, hilarious and really funny too. So I give it two thumbs up even if it was embarrassing for me personally (E making fun of me fiddling around and things like that) One last cute picture for today - Wesley reading to Peter.
Peter really likes reading his little board books!
Here is Ethan reading to Peter last night.
Ethan was enjoying the Politically correct bedtime stories.
So cute Peter's little laughs.

Peter wanted the board books, E wanted to finish the story of the 3 pigs and the wolf. Peter did a couch dive going to go for the board books again and to make Ethan read to him.
But maybe they'll have to both just read the books on their own. Too bad P can't read yet.
Life is good, my kids are fun and funny and good kids.

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