Thursday, April 23, 2020

School at Home and Morning Devotionals

On Tuesday night, Joseph wanted to share a message at family prayer. He asked us how good we are doing at reading the Book of Mormon, to just think about it. And then he asked us to think about if we would like to do better. Then he challenged us, one by one, to do better. I went up and read my scriptures. I need to do it first thing in the morning cause the day just gets hogged up with everything. But everyone makes the time for the things that are important to them, and it is important to me to read the scriptures. So I just need to do it. I thing most of the kids are doing pretty good, but Joseph and I both noticed Natalie's efforts. Tuesday night she said she would try, and then J was surprised to find her reading in her Book of Mormon in her bed.
She even started at the introduction! She had a highlighter and was marking words, it was super cute. 
Yesterday morning, I thought it was so cute when she was reading at breakfast... 
Joseph said he's so used to people saying "sure, I'll read" and then just blowing it off, so he was so impressed with Natalie and her honest effort!
We have been doing pretty good this whole month with reviewing the General Conference talks. Corey has work calls at 9, so we have to do it at 8:30.
Ethan usually doesn't come, but the other kids try. 8:30 - this is elementary school bus time! We can do this! We sing a song (or listen to it... since they aren't very alert participants...)
I think Joseph has helped make this happen, he's been a good influence on all of us since he's been home. We are all a little better, though, as Corey said recently, we've probably made him a little worse.... Sorry to drag you down Joseph! Daniel is cute.
Wes is a straggler, coming late to the devotional. That's ok, I appreciate the effort.
After the morning devotional, the kids have zoom calls. The junior high and high school kids are on their own, but I help Natalie, Sophi and Lily. Sophi just has calls on Tues and Thurs. Lily has them everyday, and Natalie has them everyday too. Plus two on Tuesdays (math with Ms DiPietro and small reading group)
Having them work in their bedroom isn't the best place... oh well?
Meanwhile.... Owen was running around being Kylo Ren today... Cute boy
It's hard to pretend to be a teacher and also be a mother to 12 kids and homemaker of this house. So I'm really not putting a lot of pressure on myself to meet anyone's expectations except my own. And I fall short at that, but I'm doing pretty good. I am not a teacher. My home is not a school. My kids are not motivated. Not all kids thrive on a schedule, I'm just doing my best to keep them safe and fed as we go forward through this unique time! I thought this was a funny picture on facebook. Ha!

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