Saturday, May 16, 2020

Before Bulk Clean Up

We really did a good job clearing things out today. None of my family wants the white dresser anymore. So we took it apart and put it outside. Once it was outside, we put the drawers back in and I kept it on the driveway instead of the curb, cause I'm not ready to put it up for grabs. I'm posting it to the classifieds to see if anyone wants a good deal on it. But that makes another one of my DIY's that I'm kinda sad that Corey and the kids are so willing to toss aside. Corey is also very ready to say goodbye to my black kitchen table, which I also have some fond feelings for (sniff) but that's ok... I will let it go too. We've already ordered a new table for the kitchen, but I thought maybe we'd keep this black one outside for any summer BBQs or something. But I get it, you really want to get rid of it. We will... Give me a few more days. Goodbye diy dresser. I liked you (and am still considering bringing you into the basement, but I'm trying really hard to change my default of saving and collecting any and all kind of storage containers...) But if I keep it in the basement, I don't think I'd keep the mirror with it, so it looks like for sure there will be no more funny faces (2013, 2020).
Corey said we should put it on the curb so someone can take it tonight. Ok, but no scavengers take it tomorrow, I'm bring it back to the garage before Monday's clean up trucks come and I'll take it to donate to the thrift sore. Same with the filing cabinet, cause it's a perfectly fine and functional filing cabinet, and there's no need to throw it away.
It was good to get the kids outside. Peter was eating a package of blueberries, he's cute. And I love how he squats. There were lots of kids out playing in the street. A neighbor, who is also clearing things out, gave us like 10 things of bubbles so the kids were having a party with that, and she gave us 3 remote control thunder tumbler toy cars too, which was great. They were all out playing with that, fun! And they were jumping on the trampoline, riding bikes, and another neighbor kid gave them a dozen balloons....
It's been a fun freebie evening. Corey and I cleared out old boards from the 2016 ice rink... so since that's been 3 years, they were all really nasty and moldy and blech and lots of spiders and bugs and ick, so that was nice to clear them out. I raked until dark and used the huge mattress bags to hold all the pine needles! It is so clean back there! One of the cons of the pro of having a yard full of tall tress is, the pine needles. So I'm quite pleased with how hard I worked and with how clear it looks at the moment. I dare say it might look nice and pine needle free for a few weeks, so that is fun. (Pine needles shed all year, so it's always "fall" around here.) The kids also went over to a neighbor's yard for a movie and s'mores. I love where we live and the people we live around.

As I worked, I listened to a Jody Moore podcast, The first one that she recommends to bring you up to speed on what she teaches "Five Lies About How the World Works". And I didn't think about it until I started typing this, but I am having thoughts about the dresser and table that are not facts. It's okay for me to be sad to say goodbye to them, and it's okay that no one else is sad. I'm excited to start to examine my thoughts and work on myself more. I've been taking a break from Holly's EJC community since all the Covid quarantine started, cause I was not making time to do anything there. But now I'm ready to start working on me a little bit since I've been listening to Jody the past 3 days. I started on Thurs with #251 "Emotional Switch"... cause I was moping as I drove all the way out to the RC Willey warehouse by the airport to pick up the missing box 4 from our delivery. I thought of polo-ing to my sisters to complain about my grumpy feelings, hoping talking it all out would help me start to turn it around and feel better, but as I thought of them listening to me vent, I was sure my SIL, if she were to reply, would tell me something she had learned via Jody Moore. So instead I decided to go straight there. Honestly, I wanted to know why I struggling so much with being happy about getting the new triple bunk beds. I felt like something was wrong with me for not being happy or grateful about this. But after listening to Jody, she would say that it was just the thoughts that I was thinking about the bunk beds, and evidenced by my grumpy mood, it was clear that my thoughts were not serving me well (if what I want is to be happy). You'll have to listen to those podcasts, but they really helped me! Then I just looked through it at random again on Friday and listened to #246 "Perfect Robots". And we'll see if I get to articulating my thoughts here or not.... And then this morning I listened to #242 "Emotional Reality" as I drove to Seagull Book today to pick up the Pilgrim Hypothesis (so excited to read that!) and I love the idea of bricks in our emotional reality wall that we fill in with something to verify the reality of how we view things. Also in that one she mentions the podcast roadmap, so that's what I started with tonight. Then tonight I listened to Episode 87 "Start Here: Five Lies" as I raked. So there's a plug on what I'm learning right now, I like it - good stuff!

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