Thursday, May 14, 2020

Triple Bunk Beds

Last night Corey and the girls prepared and cleared out their room. They are going to switch rooms with Hyrum and Wes. So it was H and W's last night in their current beds and bedrooms. The little girls had one more night in their bedroom, but they were all sleeping on mattresses on the floor.
The morning devotionals that we used to do last month, when Joseph and Ethan were home, have fallen by the wayside. Our current mornings have been a bit of a struggle. For example, here is Natalie after I woke her up at 10 for her math zoom call this morning.
She opened her eyes for it, so we'll call that good enough. We're looking forward for this distance learning to be done. Natalie in particular is tired of zoom calls. Peter was being super cute this morning.
Eating and Eggo with Mel.
Then he stayed in her lap entertaining himself as she took a nap.
He was being cute talking to himself and reading a book.

I wish he'd let me nap like that. Kids finished school, then we got everyone up and helping day cleaning off the floor in the girls room, just shoving things in big boxes. We threw the bunk bed boxes out the second story bedroom window, and turned it into a javelin type throwing contest for ourselves. Daniel and Peter played out in the front yard in the boxes and with the styrofoam.
Everyone worked hard putting together the bed in the former girls room/new H and W room.
It was fun to see them all working and singing songs (Wesley was in charge of the playlist)
Here's one video of them -
Putting the top bunk on the bottom bunk, say cheese.
And miracle of miracle - we took out the heavy bunk bed with the problem area screws that wouldn't unscrew. Corey got it all apart and to the curb except for the one corner with the stripped screws, and then we decided to just bend them as they were stuck together and carry the two pieces out together, and we were able to do it with three of us guiding and lifting. Good job team
Peter playing with the styrofoam from the last triple bunk bed's packaging.
It was cute to see him poking it with a drill, and getting little bits of it all over himself.
Corey said "It's only cute because he is slow...."
"If he was fast, then you'd stop him." This is true. All right, that's enough. I vacuumed the floor of the former boy room/new ALSN bedroom. And now, the finished new bedrooms and their current tidy status. Here we have LilySophiNatalie on the triple, Abi on the loft bed (so we're not totally streamlined yet, we need one more kid to leave)
Wes on top, H is taking middle I think, and we'll save the bottom for Ethan for a few weeks after he's done in California, and for Joseph when he comes home on weekends after school.
Mel in the middle bunk, Owen on top, Daniel on bottom, but Mel's on bottom in the pic, cause it's a pain to get to the middle bunk.
I take it back, Hyrum is going to sleep on the bottom, so that he can literally "roll" out of bed. He demonstrated his technique for us, it was funny. Just tuck and roll.

The table nooks will be delivered on Monday, so that's exciting. And lastly, the school year is almost over, and Wes still has 3 F's that we need to fix. I sat by him and didn't let him leave until he finished the health assignments that he just couldn't bring himself to do (on male and female reproduction). We're hoping Wes and Ethan pull it off by next Friday!

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