Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Chamado Para Servir

Melodie received her mission call today!! She texted me at 9:49 with a screen shot of a text she had received letting her know "Your mission call can now be viewed", and we exchanged a few "Yay" and "Ahhh!" texts. Joseph and Ethan are in California, and they would be available to join us at noon, so we let everyone know she'd be opening it at 1pm. Family came over - it's time to read it....
Computers are all set up - we're ready video record it, zoom it, and facebook-live it.
And Melodie is assigned to labor in the Brazil João Pessoa Mission!! Yeah, Brazil!!!
She's going back to Brazil!!
Mel is going to speak Portuguese!! Corey was pretty emotional.
I told Mel I'm excited for her, eventhough I didn't cry. Yahoo!
So that was the exciting news of the day.
Other than that, since we have kids moving out soon, Corey and I have done some planning and dreaming of what we can do to improve the home. We ordered some triple bunk beds last week, which Corey has wanted for a long time, so that we don't have a mish mash of lots of different bed furniture anymore. The other thing that we both want is a bigger table where we could all fit and eat together. We went looking last week and went again today. We stopped by Downeast Outfitters first, then my parent's for a sec (they needed Corey to help them with some internet stuff), then to Vintage Oak, Ashley Furniture, Ikea was closed, Furniture Row, and RC Willey.  but no, he wants it gone. fine. We been looking a lot for a table that will work in our kitchen space. At Vintage Oak the quote Corey got there for a big enough table (and just the table) was $10 which is NOT in our budget. This thing at Furniture Row though - this is basically what I envisioned and wanted custom built (but couldn't find anyone who could even give me a quote). So I'm crossing my fingers with this. I did a lousy photo shop of it tonight to try and pretend it would help us see if white or dark wood would look better.
Brown is a safe bet, since we have brown furniture in every room there on the main floor, but maybe we should change things up, since we are trying to change and live better more simplified lives... so Corey is leaning to white...
The bunk beds are all a light gray. We'll see... we have to measure it to try and make sure it would fit in the nook. After trying to find table ideas, we went to Costco for food and some boxes to hide away the clutter in. We were gone from 2:00 - 7:00! Sorry kids! We didn't mean to be gone that long, but we brought home dinner, so they were ok with it. We're toyed today with the idea of clearing out and maybe paint the kids rooms before the bunk beds arrive on the 13th-ish. NOT that we've ever done something like that (that might be beyond our skillset). I think that lots of families might be like us and have been making a huge list of home improvement projects, since were all home and seeing that there is a ton to do. I also finally called the plumber today. I discovered Sunday that our kitchen sink was leaking through the floor (I was down there putting away winter coats and felt something drip on my hand, lucky that I found it, not sure how long it's been leaking...) They are coming by on Thurs. We need a new front porch too. And mailbox. You can have it all, you just have to have it one at a time. So it was a busy day, I did exercise today, but didn't get to violin. Doh. You can't do it all, so make sure to take care of priorities first! I'm going to read scriptures and practice violin first thing tomorrow.

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