Thursday, May 7, 2020


All the days are becoming one "Blursday" - ha, I saw that word on facebook today and when I did I thought it was only Wednesday, so I guess it was a true expression for the lack of knowledge about what day, week, or month it is. We've just got a whole lot of unscheduled time, and I like it. Yesterday, my toddler crew and I were back in the backyard again. Daniel was hard at work poking holes too, although he said he was planting a flower.
Here Peter is yesterday... sitting in the dirt... stabbing it with a screwdriver and then cleaning it off on his onesie.
Abi and I cleaned of the back patio area, which was exciting. The dirt and pine needles on the patio are currently cleared off, but they'll be back, and pollen will be coming soon, and then the spring cottonwood seeds, which I know will fluff their way into our clean garage. Sigh. So many ways for messes to be made, and those are just the ways of nature. Abi and I got an old green carpet out of the basement, and put it under the play house! And we thought it was a very good idea. And we screwed in some bolts to try to hold the house together better. It all hooks together but the kids would still knock it apart if they tried to move it or if they climbed on top of it. But now we move it off the grass, so we don't have to move it when the lawn in mowed, and we tried to make it appear as a more permanent toddler house. We think we did a pretty good job. We thought about making little curtains for it too, for privacy or something. Then maybe we could go sit in there and have some quiet time without people seeing us and thinking we're weird. (Maybe it's too late for that though) 
Yeah, so I know Ethan made a joke of it in his video when I was diggin holes in the back yard, but it's just good to be outside! I don't care what we do outside, dig holes, poke holes, do whatever stupid thing for no reason at all, just get out there. It's good for the soul. Get a little bit of vitamin D on that little baby.
And it's good for my soul to see the kids outside. Cute Peter just sitting on the little wiggle car that was stuck on the dirt. It made me smile.
Last evening I went to pick up Corey from work so that I could help him pick up boxes, cause we're going to try and clean up the kids rooms and we might just need boxes to shove all the junk into. So we brought home a lot of boxes from new office tables and chairs from his work. And then we went by Furniture Row and bought the "table" we were looking at yesterday, which is actually two kitchen nooks. Each nook is a long bench, short bench, corner seat, and table, and then we ordered one additional backless bench and two chairs. After coming by here yesterday and then last night we measured and re-measured and we are pretty sure will fit just barely, like to the inch, in our area, so fingers crossed there! The table should be here in two weeks.

What else... Peter is a cute kid. He's always sooo grumpy right when he wakes up. It's getting tricky to get up before him, his lagging out of bed is wearing off on me! I did get out for a walk this morning, but ugh. I used to go on morning walks in the mountains and have such rejuvenating mornings! I gotta get this baby off of me. (Oh but he's so cute...)
We sleep on the floor most nights, cause Peter is tossing and turning and kicking Corey in the head if I bring P into the bed. And it's okay cause as for right now, I don't mind the floor that much. I prefer sleeping flat on my back. Granted the mattress is more comfortable than the floor, but the nice new area rug makes is comfortable. But sometimes after a night on my side, I'll wake up and my shoulder will feel like this...
I had to get us up today cause a plumber was coming by to look at the kitchen sink. We didn't end up getting it fixed, yet, cause I'm going to see if I can find the part and fix it myself, so we'll see. I was able to do some research for that while the kids watched Peter. When I went to check on him, he had fallen asleep near Melodie down on the couch. Pretty cute. Holding a toy back massager thing of Wesley's.
So I might be sleeping in now, but maybe I'll tell myself that I should to take advantage of this time while I have it. Before we know it the school year will be upon us again, and I'll be doing carpool again, and before I know it, my baby Peter will be in school too. It's okay to slow down and laze the mornings and days away with my little baby.

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