Sunday, May 3, 2020

Family Pictures!

Rochelle sent me the link to our family photos tonight - yay! They turned out great!
I love these kids! Pictures taken 30 April 2020
 Boys - 
Girls - when they were standing there, Ethan said "Is that it? It seems like there were more of them...."
 Nope, you boys have them out numbered. The boys make this house feel busier and crazier than the girls.
And the toddlers - our cute little guys
We wandered from the tree farm over to a neighbor's house - posing in the private lane
Ya gotta be happy when everyone stays looking at the camera.
Squeeze in a little closer - 
And more for a tight squeeze!
All our little ducks lined up in a row. 
Over in our neighbor's yard -
Here are the individual shots - Corey and Me
Joseph -
Melodie -
Ethan -
Hyrum - 
Wesley -
Abi -
Lily - 
Sophi -
Natalie -
Owen - 
Daniel - 
A few extras of him cause he was striking a pose -
And cause he's a goof.
Little Peter - 
 So yeah! There ya go - they turned out great, hooray!