Saturday, May 2, 2020


I enjoyed lovely flowers on my walk yesterday morning.
This tree was full. More pictures of these pretty petals on my blog dedicated to flowers and all earthly things that are bright and beautiful.
The outside is beautiful, the inside is a mess again...
But the people in it are beautiful! Look at this picture of PETER!!!!
He was hugging a big teddy bear, so cute!
He was carrying it around the house, and it was super cute cause it was almost as big as he is. So even though it wasn't heavy, he looked like he could topple over any minute. Such a pretty boy. So that was all the pretty things from yesterday. Today was busy, Corey and I went shopping for furniture - we bought some triple bunk beds, which Corey has wanted for a long time. Then we looked at a new mailbox, Corey's not ready for that yet, but that needs to be replaced soon. We got another key lock for the laundry room and we're going to try to make good use of all the cupboards in there to hide away stuff and keep it safe. And we also went to look at tables today. It would be nice to have a table that we can all sit around. Corey spent a good chunk of the day measuring and trying to figure out what we need for our weird space...
Corey is starting his new job next week. It's not a contract position, it's salary! So we're going to have benefits! His dad teased him that since he's finally going to have benefits, now we can start our family! And since we're going to finally start our family, it's probably time to decorate the nursery... er... bedrooms for our kids. Thus the triple bunks. Maybe we'll even paint the bedrooms! Hmm. We're going to give this homemaking together a go. The kids were intrigued to see him taping the floor. Peter watched him with interest. Corey also had taped together 4 dozen sheets of paper to make a paper table template, and Daniel came up and asked "What are you doing Dad?" "I'm making a table..." "Oh. That makes sense..." That made me laugh out loud, I'm not sure where he heard that phrase before, but it was pretty cute coming out of the mouth of a 3 year old.

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