Sunday, May 24, 2020

First Sit Down Dinner

We tried to step things up just a little bit today by telling the kids to get dressed in their Sunday clothes. Only a few of them played along. Owen was a little confused at first, thinking we were actually going to be going over to the church. Nope, we're just staying at home again. But we might be going back over to the church next month, so it could be helpful for us to east into that by starting now to practice getting dressed again. Corey blessed the sacrament today. Usually Hyrum does it and Wesley passes. Peter had been sitting by Wesley, but Wes got up to pass and it was cute to see Peter sit and wait in the bit chair. He sweetly took the sacrament like all of us do, it was cute. He's just a little person.
Over the many years of Sunday and motherhood, I often struggle focusing on the meaning of the sacrament when I'm bombarded by toddlers and their wiggles and questions and interruptions. So since I can't block them out, I try to use them into help bring my focus on the Savior to the front. I think: Because of the Savior, I will be with these lovely children forever. I am grateful to believe with all my heart that that is true! To celebrate our family and togetherness, tonight we christened the new table by having our first sit down meal together at it. Abi set the table with the fancy dishes.
Still gathering kids to come sit...
Peter had a hard time waiting for prayer, so I got him a few potatoes as we waited for everyone to be ready. 
It was really nice to all sit down together, and how fun that we all actually fit around this table!!! WOW! A few other perks - the kids can't get up at will and leave. So we all sit until we are all done. And when we do excuse them, we make sure everyone takes their dirty dishes and cleans up after themselves. So we're actually cleaning up dinner right after it's done!
We are very glad to have this table and a place for everyone to sit.
After dinner, the kids made a dessert and then we went over to Corey's parent's house to visit. It's the first time we've all gone over there since quarantine. Abi with her sugar cookies
The kids played legos and we all visited.
Peter was interested in Nancy's dog Luna. 
Joseph and Ethan called and we had a nice chat.
I'm going to try to get a sit down dinner on the table again tomorrow. It was a good Sunday.

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