Friday, May 22, 2020

Virtual Graduate

Well, I'll be darned.... he did it! Ethan graduated today!
He proved us all wrong! (and he even gave us nay-sayers a shout out at the end of the commencement exercises!)
Ethan had one more required class (Fit for Life) that he needed to finish to graduate, and he finally finished the packet and got it all passed off and mailed in this past Monday and they let him know he passed and he got an A. Way to go Eth!
And here we all were, worried about the FIVE F's he had 2 weeks ago today. Distance learning changed made things more flexible this term, but even without that, I now really understand that grades today aren't updated and/or don't work like they did when we were teenagers.
Ethan kicked it in gear and started doing all his homework assignments (that he put off for a month so he could make an award winning video.) And then on Monday 5/11, only 4 Fs... Tuesday it was 3! Thursday only 2! And then this past Monday he only had one more grade that needed to get up to passing. It was still an F yesterday, but this morning I checked gradebook and it was passing and was even an A. Wow! Ethan had assured us that we had nothing to worry about, and he delivered. Good job Ethan! However, we hope your younger siblings don't follow your example of procrastination. But... good! He wasn't here today to celebrate his graduation with us (he's out in California knocking doors, selling pest control) but it's okay. It's like he's already moved on and living on his own. Corey and I were able to attend his virtual graduation during our date night. We went by Costco for gas (first time filling the van month!) but decided to save our grocery run for another day. We went to the Draper Gourmandise Bakery. It was good. Corey got the butternut squash pasta and I got some roasted veggie baguette sandwich. And two desserts. And we enjoyed our meal as we sat in the car, in the rain, and listened to the graduation speeches. We listened to all of them - even though we could have skipped forward and just listened to Ethan's if we wanted (starting at 15:44) ....but we didn't do that! We learned all about their senior quote, Trolls 2, and glazed bricks and ants. Then it was Ethan's speech -
And the presentation of the graduates. (Ethan in his robes and holding his diploma cover in California at 1:08:29 yay) Then we drove in the rain up to Skyline to see how the inclement weather was affecting the graduation drive through. It was a little windy and rainy, but that didn't affect the turn out.
We took a picture of our virtual graduate in front of the drive through graduation line...
I'm so glad we were able to track down the package sent last week with your cap and gown in it! He just got it on Tuesday, phew. Seems like we cut a lot of things close. E was worried about the package, I was worried about the grades, but we were pretty sure you were going to pull it off! Congratulations Ethan! Another kid down, 9 to go!

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