Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Glow Game

After my crazy "I'm going nuts" day yesterday, I was really glad to be able to just forget about it all and take the kids outside to play - I had a fun surprise to share with them, so we went to our private field (haha) and brought along a great new game we just got: Glow in the Dark Capture the Flag!
It just came in the mail on Saturday and the kids were begging all weekend to open it. But I wanted to wait until we could go to Waterford. So we went tonight and it was a really fun family game! Well, we got a little taste of it, but having the toddlers around prevented us being able to have a true "capture the flag" match. They weren't exactly cooperating... the glow toys proved to be a little too mesmerizing... oooh! Glowing lights.... they were like moths attracted to a flame -
Owen and Daniel insisted on being the flag bearers at all times... Wesley tried to explain the rules of the game to Daniel, but he didn't understand anything. But Daniel did know that he would release his wrath upon anyone who dared to take his glow ball...
The kids tried to play a few games, and as expected, it didn't work well, since the capturing of the opponents flag turn into a very unpleasant toddler gnashing of teeth. (Do NOT take Daniel's flag!)
So it didn't actually go how it was supposed to, but Wes and Abi are hoping to play this with their friends sometime after the Covid lockdown ends. We'll definitely be able to have some fun game nights with the neighborhood kids this summer, trusting quarantine ends. We also thought it would make a fun evening for the kids if we were able to go to Scofield with our neighbors this year. As for tonight, it was still great, cause kids love running around in the dark with glow toys. Hard to capture the fun on the field with photos, but it was great.
Team Green taking a breather.
Peter and I sat on the grass and just hung out in jail the whole time.
Jail ain't so bad when you have a fun glow bracelet to play with.
I held Peter, and Peter held the bracelet and glowing jail markers. Corey got into the game with the kids.
I think the Glow Battle Game looks fun, too, we might look in to that one! They have a few other games on their Starlux shop on Amazon. Fun stuff, go check them out!

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