Monday, May 11, 2020

Mother's Day Monday

Hey, so before I vent, here is a cute photo of my baby riding a unicorn!
~and I'm singing~ "Peter is the cuuutest!" ~
I just love it. So that is my cute Peter this morning. There are little delightful moments like that in my life, and I love those moments. And then there is the rest of the day, which on some days (like today) I let get the better of me and my efforts for a positive mindset. Soooo.... Saturday, Abi wanted to put up the tent. There have been a few warm spring days here and there, but it's still too cold at night to sleep outside. I knew this, and I told them this, but then on Saturday I gave up and said "Fine, just stop asking me, and remember that I said it's still too cold." She also promised she could put it up by herself and I wouldn't have to help, but I eventually did have compassion on her and helped her put it up. It had been a nice enough day in the mid 70s, but I warned them that it was going to be cold at night - a low of 42, making sure that they understood that "That's like the refrigerator temperature..."

Which led to me having an appropriate Mother's Day morning yesterday by being woken up at 4 am by Natalie and Daniel. Natalie came in to let me know that she was cold. Surprise surprise. They wanted to sleep in my room. No. I got blankets and tucked them in on the couch in the side room, which was when I learned that Daniel had wet himself. Great. So changed his clothes, you'll take a bath in the morning, I start a load of laundry, it's still dark, so go back to sleep. At 9 am, I saw that it wasn't just Natalie and Daniel that had gotten cold in the wee hours of the morning, as now everyone was piled in the side room....
And Abi let me know later that she had stepped in a puddle of something when she came out of the tent. Yes, I am aware, I'll go clean it up later (and I let her know that I wish the tent wasn't up!) I don't mean to be a grouch. But I have been today, cause these two animals have just been nuts. There are blankets and sleeping bags and pillows all over the main floor cause they don't think to put them away, or listen when I tell them to put it away, and I don't hold their hands and make them cause I'm running around irritated with all the zoom calls that they are late for or cause I'm helping Peter or cause there's a broken dish on the floor. I sometimes think the elementary teachers are shaking their heads at me in disappointment cause the girls are late again. Ugh, so school left me frazzled today, then O and D have been playing in the darn tent. They took a container of ham from the fridge and took it out there, Abi came in to let me know that they threw ham all over the tent, and there are lots of flies now. ...and that Daniel peed in there again (not an accident this time) and that's when I went into my closet to breath, send the Lord a prayer request for mercy, and to send SOS vent/polos to Ethan in California and Nicole my BFF. Around 5 pm these two had finally run out of energy, hallelujah...
Yes, Daniel got himself dressed and his clothes are pajamas and they inside out and backwards. And I don't care about how they look, just hooray that they hit the pause button. I went out to finish cleaning up the tent (Abi had already done a lot of it). I was glad that we all got out of the house after dinner, cause we needed to go let them run around. I think another contribution to my mood is being a little overly concerned about money - We have a smaller budget with the new job Corey took, and we've kinda been spending a lot (last week we ordered a new kitchen table and we also bought 3 new triple bunk beds that should be here on Wednesday.... Corey's wanted triple bunks for a long time, but I am not looking forward to getting rid of all our current stuff or rearranging rooms) Anyway, we went to Waterford tonight and played a fun glow in the dark game of Capture the Flag.
I'll share that tomorrow, cause it was fun and a bright spot for me after a stressed out day. Also a good thing, Lily has made a contract with her father to practice everyday 
They made that agreement after he got tired of reminding and asking her and just decided to start confiscating her prized belongings. It only took two days of Bunky Bunky being gone for her to make a deal with him. It's only Monday, so this week's just starting but there are just a few more! Come on, Tiff, you can do this, they are almost done with school, just 2-3 more weeks. I'm not sure which one has been more stressful: Maycember from last year, or this year's quarantined version of it?

I have been finding the Holderness family's video very during quarantine! A few more of my current favorites:
  Boyz II Men - End of the Roll Speaking of toilet paper, they had TP on our last trip to Costco! Not Kirkland brand, just Charmin, but that's ok! Maybe things are looking up!
  If Disney songs were written during Quaratine
  Billy Jean "Quaratine is not quite over"

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