Monday, May 18, 2020

New Family Table

I had a real surprise today because Peter woke up happy!
He's never happy in the morning, so this is a good sign!
And we did have good news today - the table came! Maybe Peter waking up on the right side of the crib was an omen that the new table was going to fit. They arrived shorty after 11. Short bench and long bench are in...
We paid to have it put together and so they put it all together except for the left nook...
I'm a little nervous about the lighter color, so we'll see how it holds up in our household of kids that are not careful as they eat and make messes. Some of the little kids trying it out.
I called the kids up to check it out and to see how they all fit around it. What do you think, kids?
Still missing one... There's Hyrum. Say cheese.
I am not allowing any drawing at the table. Probably not any eating for a few days either. We've gotten a few quotes for glass to go over the table, but we haven't ordered it yet. After we order it will take 2 weeks to come, so I'm most likely going to go pick up a vinyl table covering for it. When Corey got home from work, he got ready to take it over to his Dad's house to drill the holes and cut a few other things to make it fit. The furniture store said it was not able to be reassembled to go left or right, so we just ordered the two right kitchen nooks with trust that we'd be able to figure it out. So, in the corner park, the foot of the benches there are cut at an angle so that they are flush together. But on the side where Hyrum is sitting, the angle/flush foot of the bench is on his side instead of the corner. That probably doesn't make sense, but anyway as we were taking it outside, we decided to see if we could unscrew it and put it on the side to make it fit as a left nook, and the foot of the bench didn't unscrew cause it was glued down, so too bad.... let's take it to the car. But then I thought "Maybe we can just remove this whole left side of the big bench, and trade it with the left side of the small bench. And we could, and it worked! Then we took off the right side of the small bench and put that on the right side of the big bench, and then the cut corners were together in the corner and it all screwed back together perfectly, so hooray!!! We did it! It is re-arrange-able. The nooks CAN be assembled for left or right side. If you buys a nook, and aren't sure if I'm telling the truth, call me. I'll walk you through it. So cool - we fixed it and didn't have to drill or cut anything and it all fits perfectly in our space!! Hooray for our new family table!! Oh, and here is my raked dirt from Saturday night - I touched it up a little bit cause some pine cones fell on it yesterday and during the night...
It looks so nice and clean! Hyrum and Wesley mocked me, cause they've cleaned it before and now how quickly it will all be covered with pine needles again. I know I know, but I'm still going to enjoy it being clean while I can. I filled up three of those mattress bag protectors really high with pine needles! Go me, go Corey for making the beds, and Go US for finding this nook and rearranging it to fit, yay!

Bad news for the day - Ethan's package didn't arrive AGAIN... doh! I'll be calling them again in the morning, fingers crossed that we can find his cap and gown asap tomorrow!! I don't know what's up, I mailed it a week ago on Tuesday!

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